I recently read a book “The Great Thyroid Scandal (and how to avoid it)’ and “ticked” my way through the book as I have had 90% of the various symptoms detailed in the book for the past 30 years.
It suggested that the adrenal gland & thyroid work closely together & if thyroid is not functioning as it should then initially a short course of a very small dose of cortisone might kick start the thyroid into using the T3 provided instead of the T3 passing through the system, GP saying you are taking too much but you still feeling rubbish.
I asked a GP at my practice, having taken in 8 pages of notes from the book that related to me & my symptoms & a month of my basal temperature observations, if he would consider prescribing cortisone. Without looking at notes, asking who author of book was or being curious about my basal temperature ( which is 35.4) he said the wasn’t going to prescribe based on “quack” advice!
I have written to my endocrinologist and am waiting for his response.
Has anyone else read this book, heard about using or trialled cortisone? I would be interested to hear if your experience.