Sad and disappointed to be here asking for help yet again. Yes, I have been chopping and changing my doses desperately trying to find my sweet spot, not knowing who or what to believe.
My latest results are :
June 23 (0n 118mcg T4 and 17.5mcg T3) (bloods taken 9am before morning meds)
TSH 0.01 T3 5.3 (87%) and T4 13.6 (46%) (feeling exhausted still)
Aug 23 (0n 125mcg T4 and 17.5mcg T3)(bloods taken 9am before morning meds)
TSH 0.01 T3 5.2 (81%) and T4 15.6 (65%) (feeling exhausted still)
Nov 23 (0n 125mcg T4 and 17.5mcg T3) (bloods taken 3pm after morning T4 and T3 and lunchtime T3 meds)
TSH 0.01 T3 6.0 (109%) and T4 15.7 (66%) (feeling exhausted still & overmed)
Prior to the last test I had tried to reduce my T3 by 2.5mcg and 1.25mcg but quickly my cognition and memory declined and it was clear to me that I need this T3, so I put it up and I feel better cognitively for it.
But now, two weeks into taking 125mcg T4 and 17.5mcg T3 and I am feeling over medicated and my tests reflect this too. I know everyone says to stick with changes for 6-8 weeks but does this even mean when you are testing and feeling overmedicated ?
I have an Endo call on 20 November which feels like ages away when I feel like I do - and previously when I've emailed questions about dosing advice I am ignored for weeks - so I am here again.
I thought that reducing my T4 slightly to alternate 125 & 118 would be a good next step.
Can anyone give me their thoughts ?
Just to note too I have had a huge number of blood tests that have come back 'normal' with B12 at 645 (187-883) and Vit D in Jan23 was 73 (50-150).