Hello again lovely people
Hashimoto sufferer on T3 10mcg and T4 125mcg combo since last tests in Nov time on your advise..PrivateEndo wanted 100mcg but was advised levels still looked low and to try T4125mcg and was feeling great on this..( see old posts)
.(did reduce back to 100mcg 2 weeks before bloods ...to try not to skew results too much to his eyes)
New blood work in and saw Private Endo for a review ..(.lying to him that i take 100T4)
Blood tests taken at usual 0830, fasting and no T4 24 hrs and took T3 at 10.30pm...all same as previous bloods
Am i now overmedicated? Endo wants to reduce T4 to 100/75 alt days as TSH too supressed....arghhhh...didnt even comment on T3 being over range!!!! Sadly although i get my T3 from him not convinced he really knows what he is doing, as looks at TSH...hence rely on you guys help
FT3. 5.9pmol/L (2.5-5.7)
FT4. 14.4 pmol/L (9-20)
TSH 0.04 mu/L (0.35-5) (edited not 0.004 as prev entered)
Note hBA1c was also retested 3.12.19 and raised again 54mmol/mol (20-42)
Have been diagnosed type2 diabetic...Endo now pushing GP to prescribe metformin...which i think i am happy to take now as only lost 1/2stone since last august despite doing nearly dry january...didnt loose anything !!!
Any thought please on these new results and how i need to interpret them and my T4 dosage...was feeling good on 10/125?
Thnak you in anticipation xx