hi everyone I have requested a blood test with my endo but I noticed the secretary has forgotten to mark calcium and PTH, so I need to get them added what other bloods do you suggest I get checked. I have been feeling so tired lately like I need a sleep in the day and I get a good nights sleep so something is off AGAIN ! 🙈 thanks so much
blood test request form : hi everyone I have... - Thyroid UK
blood test request form

Looking at the prices (ouch) ….suggest you organise your own testing
TSH, Ft4 and Ft3 plus thyroid antibodies, vitamin D, folate, B12 and ferritin
List of private testing options and money off codes
Medichecks Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins
Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins
Just Thyroid includes BOTH TPO and TG antibodies -£49
If you can get GP to test vitamins then cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3
£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off down to £26.10 if go on thyroid uk for code
Monitor My Health also now offer thyroid and vitamin testing, plus cholesterol and HBA1C for £65
(Doesn’t include thyroid antibodies)
10% off code here
Only do private testing early Monday or Tuesday morning.
you could just get remaining tests via endocrinologist
oh wow thank u so much SlowDragon! Fortunately my health insurance covers it but the more I use it the more my insurance goes up and for bloods like this i defo would rather not do it on my insurance especially as it’s just to see if there is anything different going on! omg this is so great thank you so much!
Hi Thyroid36🤗
Many of us regularly do a finger prick test - It is not as bad as one imagines.
If you drink plenty of water the day before then test day, do it early in the morning before taking Levothyroxine and as a fasting bloods, but still able to drink plenty of water. If you are on combination the timing is different and the dosing has to be spaced slightly differently.
I'm an old chicken, but I've cluck, clucked up the courage and feel very proud of myself 😂 All I would say is I go into the side of my finger pad as there are less nerves there so less pricking sensation.
The money you save you can use to treat yourself. The links SlowDragon provides are for certified labs and there is no rational reason for any doctor to refuse them other than wanting to make more money on you, or not having sufficient ability to interpret blood tests in the first place.
Blood tests are data with ranges. I get all my major ones done via Blue Horizon and the little in between checks, by Monitor My Health.
Just a quick question, Have you managed to secure T3 yet? I just glanced back at a couple previous posts - disgraceful treatment, but sadly no longer a surprise.🙄 This is what happens when surgeries are in charge of their own budgets and financial becomes more important than wellbeing.
still not with my GP no 😝. My GP was going to refer me to my endo but I endo’s wasn’t allowed to accept me, because I was out of his borough. But he said to me that by the end of the year it should go back to normal and he will be allowed to except patients from any area again! But my endo is adamant that my GP should be prescribing me it he said write to you Local CCG And include all my letters and all the bloods telling them that without it you are unwell and with it you are well and it’s not policy to not prescribe it. He seems to be adamant that my GP should be giving it

You can pay extra for private blood draw via Medichecks or Blue Horizon if prefer (about £35 ….or nurse to your home, obviously more expensive)
Examples of results
Blue horizon
Monitor My Health results
Tips on how to do DIY finger prick test