I have Hashimotos and a multitude of other ‘little conditions’ as you’ll all know. My main pain atm is my swollen finger joints.
Due partly to covid I just had useless phone consultations with a rheumatologist and his locums. All saying you have osteoarthritis take an aspirin. Then a couple of months ago I finally got a face to face appointment, which I was going to cancel and ask for a referral to a better rheumatology dept elsewhere. Ideally, a good teaching hospital or one that does joined up thinking and understands autoimmune. Have been in such agony though I thought I’d go rather than wait more months.
After telling the consultant how unimpressed I was with his dept, my non treatment and their non diagnosis skills, he agreed it was inflammatory, likely autoimmune and perhaps I could have steroid injections or hydroxychloroquine. My joints have been deteriorating for about 15 years, resulting in distorted fingers with boney lumps on fingers and toes. Now they swell up overnight, with painful red lumps. I did have a period of the finger joints sticking and clicking. Every time I’d ask GP for an RA bloodtest it’d come back negative. And it’s like “no it’s just osteoarthritis, that’s what your Xray shows too, take a painkiller”
Now have recently started hydroxychloroquine, as instructed by consultant. But I think I’m still going to look for a clued up Rheumatology dept, that’s got more idea about autoimmune diseases.
I have dry eyes and basement cell dystrophy and as hydroxychloroquine can affect your eyes I don’t that it’s really good for me to have at all. Does this resonate with any of you guys? You have my sympathy if it does. What do you recommend? Thanks