Hi all,
I've been suffering from deformation of my PIP-joints since a few years. Diagnosis first was osteo-arthritis with osteofytes. Deformation developed so quickly that the reumatologist later decided to make röntgenphoto's and MRI's of my hands. It appears now that there is hardly any osteo-arthritis visible. The area where my joints have thickened is black on the MRI's. I have problems with closing my fingers, making a wrist, because of the thick fingers. There also are a few superficial ganglions and cysts in the bones of my wrist. Also, since about one month, there is a thickening of, or very close to, the sterno-clavicular joint. Does anyone recognise this? Does anyone know what is happening, what might be the cause, what might be solutions?
I'd be happy to hear from you.