Well I finally had some joy from a pharmacy on the list on here. The Isle of Wight can only get it but it's too expensive so I tried Smartway. I emailed and rang a couple of others from the list but no reply . Smartway rang me back and the pharmacist was really lovely. He told me the cheapest way of buying it and is going to get me some posted within the next few days. I'm not sure what T3 brand he's going to supply as I'm having a bad day today so just wanted to get some ordered and off the phone. He said £80 for 28 x 20mcg which is expensive but because my dose is 10mcg per day then it will last 56 days. I can shop around next time but just wanted to get started Asap. I've also got HRT patches that include progesterone but I don't know if I should start them yet as I'm just overloading my body with different things all at once. Think I will start T3 first for a month then once I'm settled I might start HRT patches. I'm just over cautious because of my other problems with severe gastritis and meds for that. I'm hoping one of the new things will help with anxiety and high cortisol so then my gastritis can be better controlled.
I'm rechecking previous posts and have started reducing levo fro 100 to 75 MCG for the past few days. Will carry on for a few more days before I introduce T3. Thanks everyone.