Hi Everyone,
Since my partial thyroidectomy in December, I moved from an integrative practitioner to a new endocrinologist (who can better monitor my thyroid nodules) but who has also been adjusting my medication solely on TSH numbers.
I went from a compounded T4/T3 (80mcg T4/12 mcg T3) prescription before my surgery. I was prescribed this by an integrative practitioner due to Hashimotos. I felt good on this dose combination. But after my surgery my endocrinologist switched me to straight up 100 mcg Tirosint (and I asked for 5 mcg of T3).
December 24 - Started with Tirosint 100 mcg plus liothyronine 5 mcg (did feel a little jittery). In January I dropped the extra liothyronine. No more heart palipatations or jitteriness.
February 24 - saw integrative practitioner (she wasn't worried about these numbers):
TSH was 0.015 (range .4-4.5)
Free T4 1.41 (range .8-1.8)
Free T3 3.01 (range 2.2-4.0)
TPO 130 (range <60)
Vit D 34 (range 30-100 ng/ml)
But endocrinologist saw the TSH and was very concerned - he lowered Tirosint to 88 mcg/day. I spent four months on this dose and had tests again. The results were:
July 9, 2022
TSH 0.029 (range .4-4.5)
Free T4 1.34 (range .8-1.8)
Endocrinologist was still concerned and lowered Tirosint from 88mcg/day to 75mcg/day. He's not interested in Free T3 numbers, but I requested we test that this time around.
October 19, 2022 - My current numbers are:
TSH 0.15 (range .4 - 4.5)
Free T4 1.11 ng/dl (range .8 - 1.8)
Free T3 2.4 pg/ml (range 2.2 - 4.0)
He wants to lower my Tirosint some more. I see that the TSH is still low, but my Free T4 and T3 are also low. He doesn't look at any of the other numbers besides TSH. It is strange to me that I would be taking less thyroid replacement AFTER having half of my thyroid removed than before I had it removed (even considering compounded tablets absorb differently). Does this make sense? What danger would I be in if I stayed at these numbers? If I lower my Tirosint won't my Free T4 and free T3 drop some more?
I feel okay on this dose (still alittle depressed), and I've gained weight the past couple months. I know that being undermedicated can contribute to depression, but I just read a study saying overmedication can contribute to depression in post-menopausal women. Yikes!
I appreciate your thoughts. Thanks in advance.