At the end of June (25th) I started to have terrible ear ache. I tested positive for covid a couple of days later. As soon as I was negative, I went to the doctor. My ear canal was incredibly swollen. I got an antibiotic and anti fungal ear spray. It didn’t go away so I got another course of the spray. It didn’t go away so I got antibiotics and then another course.
When I was on holiday in France (early August), I had to go to the doctor. I got an iodine rinse to disinfect it and antibiotic ear drops. It still felt awful when I came home (Friday) so I went back to the doctor. The swelling has gone despite there still being intermittent pain, no hearing at all in that ear and discharge every night. The doctor said she’d refer me on to ENT.
I got an email appointment yesterday from oncology ENT. I thought it must be a mistake because the doctor didn’t mention this to me - despite me asking how long it would take to get an appointment. I’m very pleased she’s been so proactive but I’m left not know why I have been referred. My GP isn’t in until tomorrow.
In the meantime, has anyone experienced this? Could the discharge be the iodine for two weeks ago?
How likely is it to be cancer? I have been feeling really tired but think that’s my thyroid.
i hope it’s okay to post this.
thank you.