Newbie here. I'm impressed by wealth of info I've started to discover here and wondering if anyone could throw some light on my test results as I can't find anything the same.
I have suffered from fatigue, aching muscles, low mood etc for about 5 years but nothing major diagnosed except low iron in 2017 and low D in 2018. My GP orders lots of tests now and again when I say I'm still exhausted and I'm now on Sertraline and HRT patches but still get really tired and achey.
In MAY 2022 tests showed my Thyroid was 'abnormal' and a GP consultation over the phone said it was showing as 'hyperthyroid' but I get more symptoms of hypothyroid but do tend to have sudden bursts of energy but they don't last! Results were
TSH 0.07 (0.35-4.94)
FT4 12.2 ( 7.5 - 21.1)
FT3 4.3 (3.8 -6.0)
GP said to re-test in 6 weeks. I did and towards end June 2022 and they had now apparently gone slightly 'hypothryroid':
TSH 5.38 (0.35 - 4.94).
FT4 8.3 (9 - 19.1)
My thyroid results had never been flagged up before as abnormal and I went back over my records and found my previous results (about once a year since 2017) were all TSH just below high range and T4 on low end of range.
Head Nurse clinician said to re-test mid - end August and this time I've noticed he's ordered anti body tests and parathyroid profile as well but didn't seem to know what might be going on. My MAY results (hyper???) were taken 4 days after I got back from holiday in Greece and I did notice out there my appetite had increased, I ate sea food including octopus and was also taking daily L-TYROSINE (stopped soon after) which I'd been doing to increase my energy levels about 6 months previously. I had also started the HRT patches a week before my hols so was wondering if this could have affected the first set of 'hyper' results. Also, I drank Greek wine (in moderation) and I don't normally drink much!!
Also = for last few weeks I've had ear ache and swollen glands on and off. I told the nurse practitioner this on phone consultation.