Hi there wonderful members who know more about thyroid problems than the medical profession. I have just had a telecon appointment with a very eminent endo who I have been 'under' for many years and whilst he might be a whizz on diabetes we know more about thyroid than he does.
I take 70 mcg of T4 liquid and 5 + 5 of T3 a day and I am on steroids due to adrenal insufficiency.
28-Mar-2022 Plasma prolactin level -Normal - no action 379 mIU/L
102.00 - 496.00mIU/L
28-Mar-2022 Serum free T4 level - Normal - no action 12.7 pmol/L
11.20 - 20.20pmol/L
28-Mar-2022 ! Serum free T3 level - No action 7.2 pmol/L
3.20 - 6.80pmol/L
CORTISOL - Normal - no action
55 nmol/L
Cortisol reference range:
6 - 10 am: 133 - 537 nmol/L
Results within the reference range do not rule out
cortisol deficiency or excess. Consider further
investigation if cortisol deficiency or excess
My cortisol looks low but because I am on steroids he says that is fine and I tend to agree as I am showing more signs of over stimulation at times - although not letting 'off the hook' just yet that the abdominal swelling is low thyroid as I experienced that lovely symptom once before when undiagnosed and had to wear maternity clothing.
Problem I have is that I have a huge abdomen which he is saying I am on too much steroid but I can't get the dosage down (I have tried on numerous occasions) because of serious issues it gives me in other direction i.e. can't walk as so stiff and pain in joints etc. - trouble is, this is something I experienced when I was low on thyroid hormone too - the painful joints etc. went as soon as I went on T4.
So I have a two pronged problem - are my problems low thyroid - or low adrenal issue or both.
When you listen to Anthony Toft in this link - the part where he discusses the amount of thyroid hormone used years ago - i.e. much higher than today.
youtube.com/watch?v=HYhYAVy... (early on in this video is the part that mentions the high doses of T4 that were given via NDT years ago)
So my question to you knowledgable thyroiders is this - I have no thyroid now it is atrophied - if the doses of T4 thyroid hormone were 200 mcg all those years ago - would I be able to build up to that level from 70 mcg - can anyone who has no thyroid tell me what dose they take - but would I convert the 200 mcg to any T3 or do I lose that process due to the atrophy? Any help would be greatly appreciated.