Hi everyone - can anyone help please.
I am having issues with an endo who is determined to rely on bloods only when I suspect I might have the above problem.
Can I ask though how would a defect in the above genes reflect on my blood results which are shown below.
Serum free T4 level - Normal - no action 12.7 pmol/L 11.20 - 20.20pmol/L
Serum free T3 level - No action 7.2 pmol/L 3.20 - 6.80pmol/L
Serum FSH level - Normal - no action 96.7 iu/L
Follicular Mid-cycle Luteal Post-menopausal
3.5-12.5 4.7-21.5 1.7-7.7 25.8-134.8
CORTISOL - Normal - no action 55 nmol/L
Cortisol reference range:
6 - 10 am: 133 - 537 nmol/L
Results within the reference range do not rule out
cortisol deficiency or excess. Consider further
investigation if cortisol deficiency or excess
I am on steroids so they are saying the low level of cortisol is due to that which I daresay it quite true. They are also saying T3 bit high which can be seen on the range and that T4 is within the normal range ! Despite the fact I am still feeling unwell and have an abdomen so swollen I look 9 months pregnant which I had before when I was undiagnosed. Have had an ovarian check to see nothing nasty going on so has to be thyroid in my opinion.
TSH was not done on the test but I daresay as before it will be negligible.
I am taking T4 70 mcg and T3 5 mcg x twice a day.
I have no thyroid as such as it has atrophied i.e. atrophic thyroiditis.
I am still suspicious due to the above condition that my bloods do not reflect what is happening in the cells - am I right ?
Many thanks for any help.