Latest lab results, question.
Hello, I have a question, about my latest lab results.
My T4 Sept 2021 it was 11.6 (7.5 - 21.1) and today is 16.1
TSH in September was 1.11 (0.35 - 4.94) and today is 0.08
T3 September was 3.5 (3.8 -6.0) and today 3.3
Ferritin 72 (23-300) which is low but not low enough for the doctor to want to do anything.
I was on 150mcg Levothyroxine in sept which was increased to 175mcg.
My TSH has dropped and the GP now wants to decrease my Levothyroxine. But my T3 is still dropping.
I feel tired with hair falling out and very dry skin. Put on about 1.5 stones in 4 months which is definitely not down to bad diet. I've been doing more excercise and still gaining.
I am also 2 months into starting HRT. Could this be having an effect?
I have an appointment with my GP on Monday and need to know what to say to her so that they don't just send me away with less Levothyroxine, I definitely don't feel over medicated. Any suggestions as to what I can do?
Thank you in advance for your help.