Note that I am entirely gluten free
I did the Dr. Wentz diet's in her book 'Hashimoto's protocol' one by one.
When reintroducing I noted that:
- grains didn't cause any symptoms for me
- gluten free pasta caused fatigue, gas, and bloating
- Beans/ legumes caused gas if in large quantities, like a 3 bean chilli, but fine within something like kidney beans in a beef chilli
- dairy used to cause respiratory issues but I tried reintroducing a few months later and those are gone so I can now eat dairy
When well medicated I went back to eating everything and not cutting anything out except gluten and coffee. I was even eating crisps and sweets.
I did slimming world to lose weight which works for me. But I have a binge eating issue and I find being restrictive in my eating causes me to binge.
I read 'Intuitive eating' by Evelyn Trobil and Elyse Resch and that has helped me not to binge and to listen to what my body wants. So now I am not on any diet, I just try and work out what my body wants and needs.
But what I am wondering is whether other people are following strict diets to get their antibodies down? Or if like me you just work to be well medicated and then eat foods that nourish with the occasional treat like a meal out or a packet of crisps with your lunch.
It's just that without getting the antibodies down this disease is going to keep progressing right?
Or is there anyone out there who is now on a perm dose of meds such as Levo and eats a wide variety of food with nothing cut out except allergens/gluten if coeliac and is living a full life?