I had a brief introductory telephone consult with a functional medicine doctor today. It was very brief, 10 mins, in which I outlined my symptoms and the results of thyroid and cortisol tests. The doctor said we can definitely help you, but she seemed distracted, unable to provide a date or the necessary info for emailing. I'd already sent ahead a document I've put together with last 2 years test results and a typical day for me, as well as most bothersome symptoms, but she hadn't received it, not sure why. But again reiterated we can definitely help you, I think we'd start with DHEA, I told her at that point that I've already tried DHEA and Pregnenolone and that they both make me even more sedated, presumably because they convert to oestrogen and that makes me feel hypo. She then said we work alongside a private endo I think we should consult with her. I've been here, many times, and today in particular has been a really difficult day - freezing all day, unbelievable brain fog, under a duvet on the sofa with central heating and a room heater on just to stay comfortable. Another day wasted.
I've recently been given details of someone who can provide NDT and I'm thinking, do I just go for it? I really can't take more waffle and experiments from so called experts who seem to ignore the info in front of them and offer yet another round of treatments I know aren't going to work - I've tried almost everything that should help, except actual thyroid hormones, (apart from metative), I've had enough, tired of wasting my life and just want to move in a direction that might show some light.
What side effects should I expect on NDT and how would I know if it is/isn't working?
Any help appreciated.