After NP Thyroid was recalled for the third time in slightly over a year, I decided to switch to Armour. I take 3/4 of a grain of Armour in tandem with 37.5 mcgs of Synthroid. Otherwise my T4 stays too low on Armour alone and raising the Armour above a certain dose results in too much T3 for me and causes a return of of significant hyperthyroid symptoms. I have done this regimen for abut a year, but my latest blood test results indicate a high TSH (15) and FreeT3 and Free T4 just above the bottom of the normal range. When I was on the same dose of NP Thyroid and Synthroid, my TSH was always below 1 and my Frees were closer to the midpoint or even higher for FreeT3. So my question is, has anyone found that in switching from NP to Armour, one needs to up the dose of the Armour? Thanks!
Switch from NP Thyroid to Armour?: After NP... - Thyroid UK
Switch from NP Thyroid to Armour?

I recently switched from WPThyroid to Armour which controversially I found stronger, (although WPThyroid was recalled due to sub-optimal levels!). I too had to introduce some T4 or risked over stepping on the FT3's, and am now medicating 1 grain Armour + 50mcg Levothyroxine.
If your test conditions were the same as those you are previously comparing with, you are showing to be under medicated so require a dose raise. You are on a low dose anyway. Are you feeling symptomatic?
Thanks for your reply! My test conditions were identical on both brands. Even on this relatively low dose, on NP my levels for the Frees were usually way above the midpoint and my TSH usually quite low (well below 1 and sometimes barely detectable). I have recently had problems with GERD and have had to treat it with an H2 stomach acid blocker, so maybe the absorption of the Armour from my gut is not very robust. Have you felt okay on the Armour plus Synthroid?
Yes, I’m getting there, thank you.
Levothyroxine mono-therapy was a nightmare but adding a little back after so many years on NDT has been fine. I function best on low/middle thyroid hormone levels but not as low as they had become, and due to the insidious nature of low thyroid hormone it took me a while to comprehend I was actually becoming symptomatic due to under medication 🤪.
GERD is common in hypo sufferers as low thyroid hormone reduces the whole digestive systems motility, and more. Too much & too little stomach acid results in the same symptoms of acid reflux. I found supplementing Betaine HCL with pepsin very helpful in not only reducing reflux but aiding hormone/nutrient absorption, promoting good flora & healing GALT. I still take it with protein-rich meals.
Be careful of H2 blockers as they will inhibit the action of histamine to prevent parietal cells from producing acid and alter your micro-biome to not only increase the risk of gut infections but also impairing absorption of thyroid meds, iron & nutrients.
Don’t take H2 blockers & Betaine together as they are doing opposite jobs. Also if you have been taking H2 blockers for a while and wished to stop you would need to wean off slowly.
The link gives a good explanation by Isabella Wentz.
I am feeling symptomatic in terms of fatigue and inability to function at an optimal level. I seem to have some cognitive muddiness and difficulty initiating my usual daily routine. Very cold sensitive, even though we have had a really hot summer. Constipation. You are so right about the insidious nature of hypothyroidism. When one is on the way down, it is very difficult to ascertain whether one is hypo or hyper as the symptoms can be the same in both circumstances. Have you ever tried crushing your Armour tablets before you take them? I’m wondering if the fillers may be contributing to my inability to absorb the medication.
Re previous answer - ACV is great in offering a more acidic gut environment & gaining confidence that a lack of gastric acid is actually the problem because Betaine can be a large step. I have taken ACV & found it wasn't enough for me. I am not sure you can supplement even ACV with H2 blockers though. Have you considered weaning off?
If you previously had good levels of 'frees' on a relatively low dose of replacement meds, you were previously absorbing enough. These new symptoms & low test results could be due to your gut issues.
Re crushing Armour tablets, no I have not done that. What would be the advantage?
I am in the process of weaning off the Pepcid now. You have to do it very gradually or you can get rebound acid secretion. My GERD was so horrendous that I would be awake all night in agony, so I reluctantly started the H2 blocker. It has helped a lot but I don’t want to stay on it too long. My goal is to try and get my gut biome back to some kind of healthy state. I think it has gotten totally out of whack by months and months of severe GERD, so it definitely needs replenishing. Do you take a pre or probiotic?
The crushing of the Armour tablets is purported to break down some of the extra fillers (some to make the tablets more stable) that were added after the reformulation and for some people make it harder to absorb. Quite a few people seem to use this approach with success, so I am thinking of trying it. I don’t think there is a downside to doing it.
Although I never suffered from GERD, my gut was in a terrible state too after years of undiagnosed low thyroid hormone and gut infections.
Under the care of a nutritionist & several stool tests later, we identified & treated issues over many months. Then I used probiotics, ox bile for billary support, digestive enzymes and healing supplements; glutamine, marshmellow root and slippery elm. Adequate cortisol levels are also important for gut repair.
The initial improvements were quick but the maintaining was difficult and I had to keep some supplements going for about year. I still use HCL for protein heavy meals and digestive enzymes many years later.
My husband switched from NP to Armour over a year ago when NP started to have recalls. His #s on NP were never quite right even as his dose was raised. His numbers just never went up. Yes, his Dr. raised his Armour dose, but only by 15mg. His # on Armour are finally much better.