Not sure what happened....
About two years ago, NatureThroid began to (what I know now) start to be too much / overdosing. TSH was still climbing, but increasing dosage caused tremendous chest / heart pains. Not surprisingly Doctor said “it’s because we don’t know how much T3 and how much T4 is in each one of these pills. It’s like a mixed berry pie you don’t know what you’re getting.” Somehow I knew that wasn’t true after 30 years but what could I do? So we switched to levothyroxine. Not surprisingly same thing happened I simply could not increase the dose I felt worse!! chest pain’s were tightening and increasing blood pressure was going through the roof. TSH in the 40’s.
Began to look elsewhere for answers, the doctors as usual did not have the answers.
I found Dr. Christianson who had a whole new thyroid reset plan. He was about the third online doctor heal yourself kind of guy that I tried. You must look under every rock when you have a medical community that doesn’t understand autoimmune diseases. I don’t know why I’m explaining it’s my health I know when I feel good and when I don’t. (Forgive my frustration and anger)
Dr. Christianson talks about iodine stabilizing. Mind you not iodine removing. Everything has iodine in it almost every food - needless to say it’s impossible to get away from iodine altogether. I know for sure I also have the MFTHR genetic polymorphism, which slows any kind of detox - iodine became another toxin, building up over the years. (Have had the genetic testing). Dr. Christianson talked about how, back in the 50s and earlier people especially in the Midwest in the United States which is where I am, had chronic iodine deficiency’s. So the brilliant plan was put into place to add iodine salt and we’re all better now. Yes that worked really well for a good long while. And then people like commercial bread makers begin to use iodine as a preservative and as a dough conditioner (this is in Dr. Christianson’s research and in his book you won’t find this on the label of the food somehow they don’t have to list it as an ingredient). Dr. Christianson himself had a thyroid problem, a brilliant doctor and he figured it out with his own testing of many foods. So again he talks about iodine stabilizing how you can go on an iodine reduction diet much like they do before they’re going to do surgery like with Graves’ disease.
Oh my it worked! I have not had any thyroid medicine for over six months and I feel wonderful. I use kosher salt, not sea salt not Himalayan salt. I don’t eat egg yolks - lots of iodine in egg yolks. No dairy lots of iodine in dairy - most especially cheese which is a concentrated form of milk right? Almost afraid to have the TSH measured. For good measure I’m also treating the cannabinoid system with Hemp oil or CBD oil. I found out really quickly that you can overdo that also and had to back off of CBD oil but I still use it every once in a while I found out a little is better than a lot.
Anyway here I am at 64 after 35 years of levothyroxine NatureThroid, Armour, etc. only to find out that all this time perhaps, my poor sick thyroid was simply toxic with an overdose of iodine. I used iodize salt for at least half of those 30 years of levothyroxine etc.
dr. Christianson yes does want to sell his brand of vitamins etc. - but like Isabell Wentz, he gives away a lot of free information. In Fact he has a endorsement from Isabell Wentz. All I know is it works for me...AND it’s not a whole lot different than what we’ve been hearing for decades only we’ve been calling it gluten-free (dr. Christianson says it’s not the gluten for some of us but it’s the iodine - that we can eat homemade bread and even things made out of wheat as long as iodine wasn’t used as a preservative or a dough conditioner). Ezekiel Bread is one of the few commercial breads I can eat - and there’s a reason why it’s sold frozen! Since it is not full of preservatives and or iodine then it doesn’t have a very long shelf life maybe three days.
I haven’t been on here for a while because I’m feeling wonderful and I feel like I don’t have Hashimoto’s anymore. There’s another doctor out there with the school of thought that says a third of Hashimoto’s disease resolves itself - eventually. There’s others that say one form of auto immune disease increases the chances that you will acquire another and another. I believe that’s true too I believe they’re both true. I know I don’t take medicine I don’t have chest pains I don’t eat excessive iodine I watch iodine like a hawk, and I have energy. Dr. Christianson also says that we need to take a little bit of thyroid medicine as we heal or we won’t heal as fast nor can completely. So when I say I don’t take thyroid medicine it’s with the exception that I take just a very few crumbs I break the tablets down literally into tiny crumbs, and take a little every few days.
It’s not that I recommend this for everyone because I know it’s probably a dangerous path but I have no choice. It’s either die of the medicine or die of the disease - and for me a heart attack was coming very quickly I could feel it. What I am recommending is take a look at iodine consumption, take a look at Dr. Christianson‘s research.