Currently taking 2 x Thro Active 2 by Regenerative Nutrition. Each tablet supposedly contains 75mg desiccated whole raw porcine thyroid gland but they do not provide a T4/T3 breakdown. Previously taken 2-2.25 grains Nature Throid before their potency then supply issues.
Latest bloods after taking Thyro Active for 8 weeks are as follows, monitor my health ranges in brackets:
May-21 TSH 0.02 (0.27 - 4.2) T4 13.7 (12.0 - 22.0) T3 7.5 (3.1 - 6.8)
So according to these results I am now over-medicated however I do not have any symptoms, quite the opposite:
Resting heart rate in the mid 50s by my garmin vivosmart 4 though this can drop into the 40s a couple of times a week.
No weight loss and no real appetitie, I am the heaviest I have ever been and it is not shifting.
Feeling cold, I refuse to turn the heating on in May so am wearing more layers plus fingers and toes turning purple.
No diarrhoea, if it was not for the high dose of vitamin C and daily kiwi fruit I would probably be constipated.
I am officially peri-menopausal but have had very few hot flushes the last couple of years.
Finally I sleep fairly well for 9 hours most nights yet still have a very limited supply of energy each day.
Also currently taking Thorne Basic B Complex, Jarrow Magnesium Optimizer, D3, MK-7, Zinc Balance and 1000mg vitamin C.
So confused!