Hi all
Hope you’re all well.
I just wanted to pop on here and seek some advice on what I believe may have been a “hyperthyroid” swing. I suffer from hashimotos so obviously am hypothyroid however the last 2 weeks I was having the most excruciating thyroid gland pain (I have had bouts of pain in the past but nothing like this). No pain killer (OTC) or naproxen was helping in reducing this.
I assumed it might just be the usual flare up and had my thyroid ultrasound today, confirmed the same finding as last year, thyroiditis with a very shrunken gland. Each lobe is about 1.9-2.2 cm (I think is the correct measurement) whereas it’s usually between 4-6 for those of you who know. Thankfully though, there is no vasculairity (active inflammation indication according to the radiologist), or nodules/cancer
Also; I also received my blood test results back and my T4 and T3 levels are the highest they’ve ever been and I’m very very scared I’m having a hyperthyroid attack and should stop all thyroid medication (currently 100mcg levo) altogether. Please could anyone give me some advice on what to do because I’m worried it could be life threatening.
The highest my T4 and T3 respectively have ever been whilst on medication is 18.5 and 6.1 respectively. Though I generally speaking over the last 2 weeks didn’t excerpt feel “hyperthyroid” I did experience some chest pain this morning.
Any advice would be massively appreciated xx