I’ve been titrating Levo for over a year and I’m on 100mcg. My blood results from MMH show I’ve reached the top,but there’s no prize!
TSH 0.01. (0.27-4.2)
FT4. 24.9. (12-22)
FT3. 6.5. (3.1-6.8)
They wouldn’t do vitamins this time but I’ve been supplementing since my results in October so they shouldn’t be too low.
I stopped biotin a week before and my last dose was 24 hrs before. I’m not diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and I’m not gluten free. Blood test was 8.40am.
When I started Levo Jan 2020 my TSH was 4.9 and FT4 was two points below range at 10. The blood test was just part of an annual check up now I’m over 60 and I discovered my TSH had been borderline for a year or so , so I badgered GP for another test and she gave me Levo to ‘try a little bit’. So maybe Central Thyroidism but I haven’t broached this with GP. My TSH has been low since I started Levo and FT3 & 4 have both risen with each dose increase.
I didn’t have too many symptoms when I started Levo and I feel just the same now. Two things I thought might be thyroid related - patches of exema (oops, spelling?) on my hands, and a very weepy eye are no better. My debilitating motion sickness which now comes on whenever I try to do anything is no better. I still have really cold feet in bed and wear layers in the cold months. I still lack energy and motivation. I still have back ache all the time. My brain is slow and my memory is shocking.
The only time I’ve noticed a reaction to the Levo was a surge of energy for five days when I moved from 50mcg to 75, and my poor sleep has gradually improved but I still wake in the night and find it hard to drop off again - although recently this is more down to being cat-bombed than waking for no reason .
I’ve just had a blood test with GP so they’re bound to want to lower the Levo. Do I refuse as I don’t feel over medicated or go for a small reduction?
What do I do next? Continue on Levo? Ask to be checked for Central hypothyroidism?
I’m grateful not to be as unwell as many on this forum but I feel like a fraud and very confused.