My NHS Endocrinologist wrote to my GP last year to advise I need Liothyronine prescribed by the practice.
Since then, my GP has been providing a prescription which I send overseas and I pay for the tablets, Thybon Henning. These are the only tablets that I feel well on. I do not feel well on the tablets provided by the nhs, they do not have the same effect. I feel calm and relaxed on Thybon Henning.
I have spoken to the drs surgery this morning and they have said to request my prescription this week as from next month they will not issue any prescriptions. All prescriptions will be sent to a chemist electronically. There will be no facility available to print and post a prescription to me. There is no facility to email a copy of the prescription to me.
The prescriptions clerk has said I am the only one in the surgery who has a prescription that I then send abroad.
She has suggested I contact the local CCG, although I don't believe I will receive much help from them as I have tried speaking with them in the past (East of England)
My question is, has anyone else heard of this happening and is anyone in the same situation as me? Has anyone found a work around?
I would be grateful of any help.
Thank you