Concerning results from medichecks test. - Thyroid UK

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Concerning results from medichecks test.

Mickeydooley profile image
27 Replies

I’ve just received results back from medichecks which indicate that I’m on too much medication at the moment. My TSH is suppressed at 0.005 which doesn’t surprise me since I’m on combination t4/t3. My FT3 levels are over range at 7.01 (3.1-6.8) and my ft4 levels are 19.9 (12-22). About 8 weeks ago I decided to increase my Levo slightly. I had been taking 20mcg t3 and 75mcg Levo and increased the Levo to 75/100 on alternate days. Since my t3 levels are now over range do I drop my t3 or go back to my previous dose the endo had me on (i.e. 20mcg t3 and 75mcg t4?). This might be the best thing to do as I’ll have to go back to him when the clinic opens up again. I’ve been feeling quite well on the increased dose but have had some tummy problems and didn’t know if it was due to over medication.

The other thing which is more worrying is that my ferritin levels are very high at 234ug/l (13-150). They’ve been slightly high in the past but have increased. I’m worried about this as I’m not supplementing. What do I do now? I’m very concerned having read about high ferritin! Hoping someone can allay my fears!

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Mickeydooley profile image
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27 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

Looking at previous posts...when were vitamin D, folate and B12 last tested?

Did Medichecks test these?

How long before test was last dose T3 and last dose levothyroxine?

Are you male or female ?

Ferritin is often high due to inflammation of Hashimoto’s

Mickeydooley profile image
Mickeydooley in reply to SlowDragon

Medichecks results today:

Crp: 1.1 (<5)

Folate: 6.34 (>3.89)

B12 active: 93.2 (>37)

Vit D: 141 (50-175)

TGAb 367 (<115)

TPOAb 16.3 (<34)

Let dose levo 24hrs prior. T3 11hours prior.

Female aged 60

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Mickeydooley

Are you taking a daily vitamin B complex?

Folate is rather low

Mickeydooley profile image
Mickeydooley in reply to SlowDragon

No. Haven’t been supplementing with vitamin b. I’m not sure what the optimal level for folate would be and never thought I had an issue with it. Would that affect ferritin? More concerned about that tbh and my high t3 levels

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Mickeydooley

So you aren’t supplementing any B12?

You can have high B12 when other B vitamins are too low ...

Suggest you consider adding a daily good quality vitamin B complex

Folate minimum of ten of range usually 19-20

Vitamin B complex, one with folate in not folic acid may be beneficial.

B vitamins best taken in the morning after breakfast

Igennus Super B complex are nice small tablets. Often only need one tablet per day, not two. Certainly only start with one tablet (or even half a tablet) per day after breakfast. Retesting levels in 6-8 weeks

Or Thorne Basic B or jarrow B-right are other options that contain folate, but both are large capsules

If you are taking vitamin B complex, or any supplements containing biotin, remember to stop these 7 days before any blood tests, as biotin can falsely affect test results

Low B12 symptoms

Mickeydooley profile image
Mickeydooley in reply to SlowDragon

No b supplements at all at the moment. I’ll check those ones you recommended. Is it really essential to retest so often? I dread these tests. Didn’t realise my folate wasn’t optimal either. Thank you.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Mickeydooley

Just wait and retest before seeing endo

If reducing dose you need to wait 8-12 weeks to retest

Mickeydooley profile image
Mickeydooley in reply to SlowDragon

I’ve been looking for the vitamin b complex tablets you recommended but the ones I’m finding have vitamin c in them and from what I’ve read vitamin c can exacerbate ferritin issues?

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Mickeydooley

I take Separate vitamin C as well....yes I know it can increase ferritin

Mickeydooley profile image
Mickeydooley in reply to SlowDragon

So the igennus one with vitamin c is the correct one?

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Mickeydooley

Jarrow is good make too

Personally I can’t swallow capsules (only since becoming hypothyroid) so prefer Igennus and can take just one tablet per smaller dose than Jarrow (which I use to take)

Hashi-Monster profile image
Hashi-Monster in reply to Mickeydooley

I have had high ferritin and low folate in the past

I now use Jarrow B-Right complex which has no Vit C

SlowDragon profile image

Hashimoto’s increases risk of Non alcoholic fatty liver disease...


High ferritin can be linked to NAFL

Lalatoot profile image

Tricky one. Normally FT4 and FT3 results are balanced through their ranges - similar percentages. On combo therapy some folks feel well without this balance and their FT4 is low; others need both FT4 and FT3 well over half way through the ranges and balanced with each other.

For me your FT4 result of 36% would have been too low and I would have increased levo as you did.

Now do you keep FT4 at its new 79.8% and reduce liothyronine to 15mcg to bring FT3 down hopefully to a comparable level or do you revert to your lower dose of levo?

As you are relying on the endo for the meds it would be politic to go back to the prescribed dose and then discuss. However this will set you back as you cannot change 2 things at once so after you see the endo you would need to repeat the increase wait 8 weeks, bloods and then reduce the lio.

I cannot manage with low FT4 so I would be reducing my lio. But you are you!

Mickeydooley profile image
Mickeydooley in reply to Lalatoot

Thank you. Yes I’m depending on him for meds so I don’t think I have any option but to go back to previous dose. I hadn’t consulted him on the increase and was hoping the results would show that I was right to do what I did but seems not! I’d have a lot of explaining to do if I continued to tweak my meds on my own.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Mickeydooley

You could reduce the dose Levoa tiny amount to 75mcg and 100mcg just once (or twice) a week

Next time leave 12 hours between last T3 and test

Getting B vitamins optimal may help

Are you gluten free?


Lower carb diet?

Mickeydooley profile image
Mickeydooley in reply to SlowDragon

I could reduce Levo to twice weekly if I thought it would reduce my t3 levels enough. I’ve been low carb/keto for the most part for a few years now. I’m struggling with the gluten free bit at the moment. I was completely gluten free for about a year and didn’t notice much difference. I’m not overweight. In fact, I could probably do with a few extra pounds. However I do enjoy a couple of small glasses of wine in the evening which I reckon will have to stop now. 😩

Which vitamin b should I take and how much? Thank you for taking the time to answer all these questions.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Mickeydooley

You mean reduce 100mcg to twice weekly, remaining 5 days take 75mcg

Worth trying

Mickeydooley profile image
Mickeydooley in reply to SlowDragon

Yes that’s what I meant. Sorry. I’ll try that. Just hope it brings my FT3 down. Can’t believe it’s made such a difference to my levels increasing from 75 to 100mcg on alternate days.

Mickeydooley profile image
Mickeydooley in reply to SlowDragon

Can I ask what may be a stupid question? The night before I took the test I had a few glasses of wine as we were celebrating my husband’s birthday. Could that have affected my ferritin levels or does it not work like that?

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Mickeydooley

Possibly might make slight is supposed to be worse than wine ....But I avoided all beer and lager for weeks and ferritin still went up!

my ferritin goes up at each test ...level similar to yours. I have been low carb for at least 2 years....not made any noticeable difference...apart from desirable weight loss

Of course I might have always had high iron...but use to be regular blood donor. They don’t want my blood anymore,....this plus being post menopause...Ferritin levels go up...but my GP tested iron ...that’s not high

High ferritin levels linked to inflammation of autoimmune disease

High Ferritin issues for women obviously tend to not appear until, after menopause

Mickeydooley profile image

I’ve ordered the medichecks test to assess my iron levels. I’m not taking supplements. I took t3 meds 11 hours before test. My t3 went from 65% through range to 105% with a very small increase in levo (extra 25mcg on alternate days). Have been wondering if it is so high due to a decrease in activity on my part in lockdown.

Mickeydooley profile image

I increased levo by 25mcg on alternate days. T3 has been the same for months. Just can’t understand why levels have increased so much.

Mickeydooley profile image

Haven’t lost weight recently. I’m not normally a good converter hence the t3 prescription which is why I’m so surprised by my results this time. Only thing that has changed is activity level during lockdown. Haven’t felt up to much exercise. Tired and not sleeping well. Sore muscles and joints. Maybe signs that I’m over replaced atm.

Mickeydooley profile image

I’m planning to cut down again. Hopefully I’ll feel a bit more energetic and in better form. Just still don’t understand why levels increased so drastically. Probably will never know. Thought it was just lockdown getting to me. Thanks for replying

Mickeydooley profile image

Not sure if the link is correct. I thought I’d read something like that on this forum but just couldn’t find it again.

Mickeydooley profile image

No worries! I know how that feels. Just thought I was going a bit doolally! 😂

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