Following another review appointment at the endo clinic my meds have been kept the same as last time even though I still have ‘hypo’ symptoms. This is due to the fact that for the second time in a row my TSH is suppressed at 0.02 (0.27-4.2). My t3 levels are 65% through the range and T4 is 36% through the range. The levels don’t seem too bad but I’m still feeling very cold, anxious, very tired, no motivation to do anything and quite low mood. I’m currently on 75mcg levo and 20mcg t3. I was disappointed that the endo didn’t increase my dose of levo as he said in his letter to the gp that even though my TSH was suppressed I did not appear to him to be over replaced. (He commented on my very cold hands). I have to go back to see him in four months.
My questions are:
1. If I increased my levo by 25mcg (to 100mcg) now would I have time between then and now to get my levels back down again if I felt over replaced? How long does it take for TSH levels to rise and fall?
2. Would an increase in levo further reduce my TSH levels and is that a problem?
3. Would I be best just to leave things as they are for now? (I had a very stressful 6 months and the stress levels have reduced significantly so perhaps things will improve on their own?)
I’m afraid to make things worse but I’d like to see how I fare on an increased levo dose. I just hate going behind the endo’s back as he has been generally very supportive.