Does anyone know if you can take Vitamin d3 with oral chemo and asprin ? Just asking for a friend
Vit d: Does anyone know if you can take Vitamin d... - Thyroid UK
Vit d

I would get your friend to check with their oncologist. When I went through treatment my oncologist was very strict over what supplements could be taken.
Hi, I am not a doctor, but our body is producing VitD when exposing to sun, unprotected, so it’s very natural and we need VitD for a lot of genetical processes in our body and generally today people are deficient in VitD. It also protects to cancer... I think we need to follow our own opinion and logic sometimes😊 happy healing! All the best for you, but not only trust in VitD for healing.
It’s fine to take with the chemo drugs. You need as much vit c and d as you can get if you have cancer.
I seriously doubt if an cancer doctor would take any supplements seriously.
When I went through female breast cancer they’d never heard of pregnenolone and that you can have tamoxifen with it.
We need to research things ourselves not just to rely on the information that is given to us as sometimes it’s flawed or they just don’t know. Money is the main incentive in cancer treatment.
When I was having my chemo I was prescribed vitamin D3 with calcium by the oncologist xx
The above website was set up by a breast cancer survivor. There are charts showing levels of D required to prevent certain illnesses and cancers. American- so the measurement is ng/L. Multiply by 2.5 to obtain an equivalent UK measurement - pmol/L ...
I understand that low vitamin D levels are linked to cancer. My brother was told that it was too late for him to take vitamin D now that he had prostate cancer (whey didn’t the doctor advise him to take it when he was well?) but there is some research that says that it is never too late to take vitamin D.
A friend, to whom I mentioned vitamin D, had breast cancer; she asked her oncologist about it but they had never heard of the link so my friend did not take any vitamin D. Such a sad state of affairs.
My husband is a prostate cancer survivor. I talked to him about the benefits of Vitamin D and he is happily taking the same dosage of Vitamin D with Vitamin K2-MK7 as I am taking. I disagree with the idea that if you already have cancer it is too late to take something that prevents it. Something that works to prevent the occurrence of cancer can also work to prevent the RE-currence.
Dear Curly62951,
To be, completely honest, I don't know. I would however, strongly recommend, Checking with, your Friend's Doctors/ Consultants/ Oncologists, before you advise 'Taking' ANYTHING that hasn't been Prescribed- it could 'Do More Harm than Good'!
Many a TV Drama, has depicted, Someone Taking a 'supplement', of some kind, and coming to grief. Yes on TV, it was fiction... Don't let this become reality.
Sorry to be a 'cold shower' but, better safe, and all that.