A paper published by GrassrootsHealth found an 80% lower incidence of breast cancer in women with vitamin D levels of at least 60 ng/ml compared to women with levels below 20 ng/ml. Average blood levels of vitamin D in the United States are approximately 24 ng/ml, well below the scientists' recommended range of 40-60 ng/ml (100-150 nmol/L).
Higher Levels of Vitamin D Associated with Reduced Risk of Breast Cancer -- Again
A meta-analysis by Song et al. (2019) looked at the data of 70 observational studies, including the GrassrootsHealth study, and performed statistical analyses to determine if a relationship exists between vitamin D status and vitamin D intake and risk of developing breast cancer. Results indicated that vitamin D status was inversely related to breast cancer risk, but vitamin D intake from the studies included was not.
The combined results of 40 studies that reported vitamin D levels suggest a 6% lower risk of developing breast cancer for every 2 ng/ml (5 nmol/L) increase in blood vitamin D levels, with an even greater risk reduction from 9 studies in Asia.
From 15 studies reporting vitamin D intake, intake in increments of 400 IU/day was not found to be associated with a reduced risk for developing breast cancer; except in Asian and pre-menopausal women. The researchers attributed this association to higher levels of reproductive hormone in pre-menopausal women and a possible genetic variation in Asian women associated with breast cancer risk.