It’s been a lot time since I posted anything . I have been feeling really sick for a long time thought it was my medication, Thyroxine, changed to Eltroxin, felt worse. Got high blood pressure, and bad tinnitus, tried every BP medication there is , arbs, ace inhibitors, vasilators, beta blockers ., you name it I’ve tried them. Went to cardiologist , nothing wrong with my heart apart from usual leakage for my age, I am 83. Been on Valium for years. Have got a bit of emphysema and take Spirivaand AsmolA conversation with a friend, who also had tinnitus and deafness , suggested I try Betahistine. I’ve been on it for 3 days , the change is dramatic, hope it lasts and not a flash in the pan. Not for people with ulcers.
Tinnitus : It’s been a lot time since I posted... - Thyroid UK

Should be Spiriva and Asmol
Went to cardiologist, nothing wrong with my heart, suggested I go to see psychologist, been there done that, tried to put me on antidepressants, made me worse,can’t take the antidepressants. Hope this will help anyone else who is having the same problems. Good luck to you all
So, what has it done for you? The tinnitus has gone? Or just reduced? How about the hearing-loss, has that improved?
The tinnitus is still there a bit when the tablets wear off, I am loathe to take the full dose till I find out how my body is reacting. I live in Australia and have woken early and have taken my Thyroxine, the dizziness is there a bit now but I will wait till I have my breakfast till I take it . It does say one off the side effects can be insomnia. I don’t care as long as the ringing keeps away. Have also got Raynards and yesterday my hands were actually warm for a change. My husband couldn’t believe it. I have been really ill trying to take blood pressure medication which obviously I don’t need. I was thinking it would be better not to be here the way I was feeling. I was so depressed.
OK, so you do actually have dizziness. I was wondering about that. Nanaedake is right, you should rule out B12 deficiency first, especially with the dizziness. That was my main symptom with my low B12. Took all sorts of medication for it, but nothing worked until I started B12. Didn't any of it help the tinnitus, though.
Did you rule out B12 deficiency? It's one of the symptoms.
I have B12 injections every three months and take vitamin D etc .