Just wondering if anyone has seen a functional medicine doctor before, and what your experience was like?
I’ve just been diagnosed with Addison’s (already have Hashimoto’s and underactive thyroid) Have been dissatisfied with my Endocronoligist since all this started a couple of years ago but recently my care and treatment has just been shocking, I’m making formal complaints etc.
So I’m considering all options atm: getting a different Endo on the NHS, seeing a private Endo (have already had one recommended) or/and seeing a functional medicine doctor. I really can’t afford all this but I’m so upset about my health and the appalling treatment I’ve had, I’m quite determined to get the money somehow.
The reason I want to see a functional medicine doctor is because I’ve heard you can lower Hashimoto’s antibodies through diet etc. And I just want to throw everything at this right now, I’m only 32 and have this new illness now (Addison’s) which sounds much scarier than my thyroid.
Does anyone know whether a functional medicine doctor could help with my conditions? Anyone been to see one before, what was the outcome?