So I've been for my long overdue annual visit to my hormone doctor in Belgium and I have to admit I received quite a lot of confusing and even contradictory advice that I would love for members to comment on:
First of all, when it comes to my massive weight gain (+25 kg) since being treated with high doses of steroids last autumn, the doctor said that although my fasting blood glucose levels were out of range for the first time (110 mg/dL; ref 70-105), that was all caused by the steroids and the most important thing is that my fasting insulin looks good which it does (according to doctor). However, I am not so sure; my fasting insulin came back at 18.0 uU/mL (ref 2.6-24.9), but I have read that it should ideally be <5. However, the doctor claimed it looked "just fine", so no need to do anything about that ATM...
She does not test cortisol since she has put me on Medrol (4-6 mg daily) for adrenal fatigue but, based on my DHEA-S (107 ug/dL; ref 56-283) she concluded that the steroids have suppressed my adrenals to the point of making me need to take up to 8 mg of Medrol (the equivalent of 40 mg of HC or 10 mg of prednisolone) daily for three months. After that, I should try to stop Medrol and see how I feel. If I feel worse, I should go back on it, only take 6 mg next time, take it for another three months, then stop and see how I feel...she said it can be preferable to take HC or Medrol or pred cyclically rather than continually. This is the first time I have ever heard anyone say that and it sounds strange to me because, as far as I know, you either take adrenal support (be it glandulars or prescription meds) for a limited period of time and then try to wean off them to see if your own adrenal glands can pick up where they left off, or you take them continually. But I've never heard of anyone using adrenal support cyclically, especially prescription drugs such as Medrol (or pred or HC). I'd love input on this!
Also, concerning sex hormones: when I had labs done last month, it was after taking Oestrogel two pumps daily and 100 mg of Utrogestan daily for 25 days a month. Both levels came back very low (oestradiol 37 pg/mL; ref 21-312) and progesterone 1.0 ng/mL (ref 1.2-15.9). I have not had a regular cycle since January '19 so was told I could go to the lab any day (rather than day 21 of cycle). The doctor said this means the steroids have suppressed my adrenal glands (but don't these hormones come primarily from the ovaries?) and I therefore need to take more, even more than the recommended maximum dosage: now, I should use three pumps of Oestrogel every day, along with 100 mg of Utrogestan. I asked if maybe the bio-identical hormones are too weak for me and it would be a good idea to try oral estrogen and progestin (my OB-Gyn has given me a script for Elleste Duet 2mg), but the hormone doctor claimed you should never use oral estrogen as it builds up in the liver, and progestins are not natural progesteron so won't be recognised by your body...
I admit to being pretty confused right now, especially since I have followed this doctor's advice in the past and now end up with labs indicative of several deficiencies.
Any ideas, thoughts???