So have just received results back from a home bowel screen , blood has been detected, I'm so angry because 3 months back specialist at hospital was investigating polyps in my gallbladder and recommended endoscopy and colonoscopy, my doctor put referal through but only for endoscopy??? I had this done on 5th August, so angry as as I now require the colonoscopy, which could have been done same day, I am totally losing faith in doctors, I'm trying not to stress out about it as I know causes can also be nothing serious however my ferritin has been dropping, any one else had to have one of these? Please give me some positive stories
Need to vent: So have just received results back... - Thyroid UK
Need to vent

I'm sorry that you had news which was very upsetting for you. Those members who've undergone similar will respond.
I think the majority on the forum have had misdiagnosis from doctors.
I do hope that the outcome will prove not to be serious. I wish you well very soon.

As your recent Thyroid tests show you are currently not correctly treated, the low ferritin could be due to that
Low vitamins common when hypothyroid
Thank you , recent thyroid done 2 weeks ago
Tsh 4.90 range 0.40-4.00
T4 15.1 range 9.00 - 20.00
T3 not tested
Slowly increasing Levo testing again in month, was concerned as my ferritin tested 5 weeks ago was 74 range 30-300
Tested last week is now 47?
So sorry you're feeling the way you are. Just to reassure you a little, my mum went through a similar thing. She's hypo (as am I) and was very anaemic. Her test also showed traces of blood and she had all sorts of follow up tests, all of which found nothing. The blood was probably from a small tear or something similar, and anaemia was due to poorly treated hypo.
If your stools are really black, then there may be a problem. (unless you are taking iron!) If you can actually see red blood on your stools, this is not anything nasty, usually a small tear or a pile. The bowel screening only shows the presence of blood, not where it could be from in your pipework.
I can understand your frustration at the GP - they do not ever seem to think of the upset to work routine or the worry involved.
Be assured that nearly all the positive screenings have found not a lot. I hope this is a good outcome and you feel better soon.
I also had the dreaded letter from bowel screening to say the sample showed blood. This was in September this year. Had colonoscopy, small polyp found and removed - nothing else sinister discovered.
Thank You hoping I won't have to wait too long, just frustrating that I now have to go under again
How do you mean 'go under' - it's only sedation for colonoscopy and only if you request it?
I'm in Australia and I'm pretty sure they put you under, they did with my endoscopy? Maybe it's different for colonoscopy, will have to look into it
Ah ok - Well, I had sedation, was absolutely fine so if offered I would have it. Good luck with it all.
Thank you yes just looked up it is sedation, I was totally asleep for endoscopy that's why I thought was put under.
Hi, like DoesStewart says, I was sedated. Didn't feel a thing and have no recollection of the procedure. Though I had several occurrences of blood being detected, they found nothing sinister. Good luck and try not to worry x