Just need to vent!!!: For a few days or maybe... - Thyroid UK

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Just need to vent!!!

Kelz21 profile image
16 Replies

For a few days or maybe more I’ve had awful anxiety, I’ve had a feeling of being disconnected and not really being “here” spells of dizzy, felt a bit sick but never know if it’s from anxiety! Then have been told today I have to up my carbimazole to 10mg again :( as levels have changed since the last 6 weeks test. I don’t have my results yet so can’t see by how much. But I’m so upset every time I think I’m getting close to getting off it it just plays up massively.

I’m at work with massive anxiety and worry that I’ll pass out or be sick etc (it makes me irrational)

And I just wonder when this cycle will end of increase/decrease/increase/decrease and feeling permanently crap no matter what dose I’m on!

There are way worse conditions I could suffer with and I should thank god I only have an overactive thyroid and anxiety. But some days it just makes me want to give in be housebound and wallow!!!!!!

I just needed to vent :)

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Kelz21 profile image
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16 Replies
Saltwater profile image

You are not alone. The worst thing about anxiety is that it makes all outcomes POSSIBLE. If you can think it, then it is possible. That's the worst thing and your mind will just take you from 0 to 60 in seconds. It does make you irrational and it makes you think the worst. What you have to do is try to ground yourself. The worst is not going to happen. You are not going to fall off your chair or vomit in front of everyone. The fact that you are thinking these things will make you think this is going to happen and then your body starts preparing for just that!

Your heart rate will go up and you will become more anxious because your body is reflecting the things you think in your head.

What you think, you feel!

And this is important in overcoming anxiety. Look at some things around you and slowly say what they are in your mind....take yourself out of your head and pay attention to things around you. Most anxiety happens when you have time to wonder over the thoughts in your mind so distract yourself and go get a drink of water or take a bathroom break. We have to remind ourselves that thoughts are not facts, they are just spam in our brains. Most people filter them out but when you have anxiety, you pay attention to them and thoughts become bothersome.

Feeling dizzy and disconnected can happen when you have anxiety. It is sometimes caused by not breathing enough or by breathing too much and too fast.

While you are at work, try relaxation techniques, take belly breaths and put your hand on your tummy, feel your tummy rise and hold it for a few seconds before exhaling.

When we are anxious, we just don't breathe properly at all. We hold our breath sometimes, we clench our teeth, and we tense up all our muscles which increases the feeling of anxiety.

I have underactive thyroid and the dose changes cause massive upheaval for me. I just feel like I have settled and got some stability and then they increase dose and I feel all out of sorts and my palps get worse and my anxiety goes through the roof. Sometimes I don't sleep at all following a dose change.

There is a strong relationship between thyroid issues and anxiety. Whether under or over active, you can experience lethargy, racing heart, anxiety and nausea, depression, mood swings, problems sleeping, memory problems, lack of interest and concentration.

Changes in hormone levels affect our mood and in turn affect our emotions. It is important to maintain stable hormone levels but it is easier said than done. The constant changes and upheaval are incredibly frustrating and I totally relate to what you are saying.

I am sure that you will feel better soon and things will settle. Don't berate yourself for wanting to curl up in a corner and sleep. We all feel like that sometimes. It's no picnic having thyroid problems and it is a battle some days to get through. Go easy on yourself and promise yourself a nice treat when you get home. :) xx ((hugs))

Kelz21 profile image
Kelz21 in reply toSaltwater

I will re read this during times of anxiety because it’s so true!! I never considered my body is preparing for what I’m telling it it will do!

My anxiety did subside for a while years ago! But since being on carbimazole it’s been worse than ever! But because I’m a long term sufferer no one really takes me seriously with that :(

Thank you again!

Saltwater profile image
Saltwater in reply toKelz21

Oh I know. I have terrible anxiety and the GP's never take me seriously now that that's on the table. Admittedly, it's got worse since my thyroid diagnosis but that's because I have had all sorts of health problems, not because they are in my head! And because I have had hardly any resolve this last year. My diagnosis didn't give me any sort of resolution. It just gave me a whole load of other issues to deal with.

I certainly have read about people with over and underactive thryoid, reporting problems such as dizziness and lightheadedness. Some medics believe it is because of the way the thyroid connects to other things in the body and it has a knock on effect on everything else. My balance is sometimes all over the place and I get woozy for no reason. I get lightheaded before and after I eat too sometimes and feel like I am walking through the floor instead of on it. My ears never stop popping since my diagnosis and ear issues are quite common too. I have all sorts of weird complaints since being diagnosed and they often seem to come back to thyroid issues.

It is more important than people think and having too much or not enough thyroid hormone in your cells can wreak havoc on your system.

I am starting to recognise when my levels are off now. I feel wired and can't settle when I go over and I feel incredible anxiety and have an overactive mind. It's just so hard to separate your thyroid symptoms from your anxiety because there is an overlap and they both can have very similar symptoms. I just wish there was a quick self check or test you could do yourself like diabetics do, so that you would be able to adjust yourself and know where you stand.

Sometimes, I have to wait weeks for a blood test feeling dreadful only to be told that I have gone over medicated but they keep telling me not to self adjust, to wait for confirmation. It's frustrating because my body is telling me that something isn't right but my GP doesn't like me taking control and says I should always push to get my levels optimum even though I feel dreadful doing it!

It's easy for them cos they're not the ones going through it!

Kelz21 profile image
Kelz21 in reply toSaltwater

Agreed!! The issue I have is I’ve always had anxiety since a child. But everytime I have persisted with the GP I have been right! And something has been wrong! One time resulting in me needing pre cancer cells removed. So the fact that I’ve had something like that then my thyroid diagnosis kind of makes me think ...can you just for a moment leave out my anxiety and what you perceive as hypercondriac behaviour & accept as they say even a broken clock is right twice a day! (lol)

I don’t go unless I HAVE to! I have my bloods every 6 weeks (ok sometimes more! It’s hard to get there with work exactly on time) I don’t want to take a lot of meds so take my carbimazole and beta blocker (low dose) so I don’t understand why they just write it all off!

Saltwater profile image
Saltwater in reply toKelz21

Same here. Before my thyroid diagnosis, I wouldn't even see the inside of a GP office. I never even went for my routine smear and yet now they think I have health anxiety!

They won't accept that I have problems, and that my symptoms are real, they say it is anxiety but all my problems come on since the diagnosis. They overlook the fact that I have lived with anxiety all my life, like yourself, since I was about 14. I have never complained or took anything for it until my thyroid diagnosis as I really felt that something was more than just anxiety and my depression grew worse. I was able to get by with the anxiety with my own self help methods but my thyroid going was too much on top and I grew badly depressed.

I managed all that time on my own up until Sept 2018 when they found the thyroid issue. Yet they tell me all my symptoms are anxiety. I think I know what anxiety is. The two of us are inseparable at times but I have anxiety more now because I have health problems, but doctors insist my health 'problems' are just anxiety.

The other month, I walked out the doctors and ripped up my prescription. I sat in the car and cried out of frustration and feeling like no one listens to me. I feel like I have a label on my forehead and once they see that I have anxiety on my file, they do not take me seriously at all. On my last appointment, the GP was even sarcastic with me about anxiety and gave a sort of 'oh diddums' response to my suffering, like it's not a real health issue. :(

I have been complaining of stomach pain and pressure since January last year. They keep giving me a trial of indigestion tablets to reduce stomach acid, even though I have been given them so many times and they do not work. I don't have too much stomach acid. I don't have enough stomach acid, that's my issue. I am sure of it. I have gone gluten free and am working at increasing my stomach acid naturally. Doctors are often great at diagnosing problems, but not at making them go away. They prescribe but they do not 'care' for patients. They believe very much in tablets. Tablets are quick and easy. Just take it and leave.

What they want is for you to take your pills, be nice and quiet and walk away.....

When you don't magically get well on the meds, they don't know what to do with you and put the blame on you or come up with 'indigestion' or anxiety when basically what they mean is 'I don't know'.

Doctors hate it when you try to tell them what's wrong. They want to distract you, interrupt you and go down the path of least resistance. Whatever is easiest to treat. Sometimes, I think they are more interested in proving themselves right than actually getting the right diagnosis.

Kelz21 profile image
Kelz21 in reply toSaltwater

OMG I had the same tablets by the sounds of it! And I kept saying I’ve had stomach acid issues before (many years ago caused by a contraceptive implant it turned out!) and this wasn’t it! Nope tough take the pills! Didn’t work! So answer? Take another course of them! I spoke to the pharmacist and he gave some great dietary advice which I’ve followed and has actually worked!! It wasn’t an acid issue! Like you I know the difference!

I also know with anxiety what is actual anxiety (eg brought on by me usually!) and what is out of the blue feels like anxiety but definitely isn’t!

They just tell me ssssh it’s all anxiety you just may not recognise it as that! *sigh*

I have one great GP who I am open with and say listen I know I have on my record somewhere to ignore me! As they all do! But he does listen and advise but to get an appointment with him is gold dust! I have to book weeks in advance and sometimes by the time it comes around the issue is calming down so I end up cancelling so as not to waste his time.

Just a vicious circle!

I get Bupa through work so that was an option, I called them! They basically said as my symptoms were “ongoing” and nothing new they wouldn’t review me as basically they didn’t want to undermine my drs! (The type of cover we have through work must have stipulations) I would have had to pay an excess but they still wouldn’t see me!

The times I’ve left surgery’s crying is many!

in reply toKelz21

I would read your online medical records if I was you because there will be comments about you on there. I recently read mine and my GP had written delusional on my notes this was because I kept going back because I felt ill with undiagnosed Graves' Disease. It is the law and you are entitled to read and see all your test results. I have complained to the Senior Partner at my GP practice about having that written on my notes because it implies I am mentally ill but he refused to remove the word ... it has been there for 10 years now and anyone who reads my notes will think I am mentally ill!!

Kelz21 profile image
Kelz21 in reply to

OMG that’s terrible!!! I do have access to my online records and haven’t seen anything like that (but am sure it’s there!) my friend who works in the medical field said there can be like a colour code for sometime almost like a flag for them to know what they see as “time wasters” but I haven’t been able to see if that’s the case if there is! (I have tried!) and my GPS let me see their screen mostly when I visit from the way they are sitting

in reply toKelz21

I used to work for the NHS and have seen Doctors write unhelpful comments like "She thinks she is ill and might need counselling because of this" in notes (I worked in Medical Records at one point) My Endocrinologist offered me counselling for my Graves' disease because I started to cry because I felt so ill and lay in bed all day.

Saltwater profile image
Saltwater in reply to

That's disgusting. I cannot believe that is acceptable by anybody's standards. Just having that there can mean that you don't get the necessary help you need from other medical staff who read it. Those comments are out of order and serve to distance you from proper care. They will influence other staff who consider this a 'diagnosis'. I can only wonder what's on my notes as I have been back multiple times about the same complaints because they remain unresolved. The issue I always bring up is that they continue to try to fit your symptoms into something that they have already looked into, rather than looking for the actual cause. If you already have anxiety or hashi on your file as I do, then immediately, they will try to make my issues fit those boxes. When their methods don't work, I go back with the same problems and they continue going down the same road, rather than think that my symptoms may be down to something that is not already listed on my file!

Getting a diagnosis is one thing. Getting another is something else! xx

Saltwater profile image
Saltwater in reply toKelz21

Yep. I get that too. It's so hard to get an appointment at my doctors. It's either a case of ringing up on the day and getting passed off to an intern who basically is still training, or waiting weeks sometimes, months to see an experienced GP. They have taken on too many people at my practice and the appointments are rushed and for 5 minutes/one problem. When it's a different GP each time, it's basically impossible to get them up to date in that length of time and I just come out upset and frustrated because I have social anxiety and it is really hard for me to go and sit in a tiny room with someone.

I also got told that they won't send me to a cardiologist or chest pain clinic because my symptoms are 'nothing new'. Huh! They were at the time, when I mentioned them over a year ago, but they've fobbed this off as anxiety for that long that it appears they are ongoing. SOOOO frustrating.

I binned the acid tablets. I have never had over acid in my life. I never get heartburn and I never get retrieve or 'wet burps'. Yes, we know the difference, but try telling them that. I have had 3 courses of these stomach pills and I tried them twice. But to give them me again and still call it a 'trial' is plain dumb. They don't work, so can we please talk about something other than acid issues Mr GP!??? Your theory isn't working.

cazmania7 profile image
cazmania7 in reply toSaltwater

Lovely reply ❤️

Barbleach profile image

Dealing with Anxiety is tough. I've dealt with it for decades! One of my main symptoms (amongst others) is feeling faint. Zoloft is my lifesaver as well as knowing that its mind over matter. The more you think about it, the more intense it will be . I suggest that you continue ur meds and also learn cognitive methods to help. It controlled my driving and even walking to the store. Before diagnosis I took a leave of absence from work because I felt like passing out each time I was out of my safe zone. Monitor ur symptoms and focus on breathing techniques to get through each attack.

Kelz21 profile image
Kelz21 in reply toBarbleach

I did feel like just taking a break today! Saying I’m off sick! Leave me alone!! But then have always worried if I do this it’ll just make it harder to go back (if the dizziness etc isn’t thyroid related and is in fact just my anxiety!)

We need to see what your levels are and why they are upping your carbimazole which is quite a strong drug which can give you side effects. I had to stop it and take PTU because I felt unwell on it and it gave me a horrible rash.

Here is a link about the drug


Kelz21 profile image
Kelz21 in reply to

Thank you! I have logged in to my online results but they aren’t showing yet :( I will post as soon as they do!

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