Evening! I’ve been on 2g of NDT (ERFA) since July- not had a TFT done since March and before I started NDT. Well I’ve been feeling more and more hypo last few weeks- symptoms have been creeping up, and I’ve gained a stone in a month. Went to GP yesterday about my lower back pain and mentioned I’d not been feeling great- he ordered some blood tests. Had them this morning after having no meds since yesterday morning. The results are in- and they’re dire!
T4- 11.4 pmol/L
Normal range 12-22
Serum free T3 level- 3.8 pmol/L
Normal range
3.1 - 6.8
Serum TSH level 0.55 mu/L
Normal range
0.27 - 4.20
Now I’m aware that t4 drops when on NDT, but my T3 is right down the bottom & my T4 & T3 are lower then I’ve ever seen, but my TSH is suppressed.
What are your thoughts? And pretty sure my GP is going to recommend taking levo again- does anyone use both? I’m not sure I’m going to keep using to NDT really as I’ll have to go up a dose and obviously need to pay more for it... but I’d like to finish the ones I’ve got...
Tia x