I would appreciate any comments on my latest results . I’m not supplementing with iron and Thriva have advised me to see my Gp within 7 days re raised ferritin.
I would appreciate any comments on my latest results . I’m not supplementing with iron and Thriva have advised me to see my Gp within 7 days re raised ferritin.
What thyroid hormone replacement are you taking, knowing that will help us to interpret your results.
I think you already know that you have Hashi's.
B12 and Folate are good.
Vit D is on the low side. The Vit D Council recommends a level of 125nmol/L and the Vit D Society recommends a level of 100-150nmol/L. To reach that level from your current level the Vit D Council suggests taking 3,700iu D3 daily (nearest is 4,000iu).
Retest after 3 months.
As you have Hashi's, you may want to consider an oral spray (eg BetterYou) or a sublingual liquid as these bypass the stomach for best absorption.
When you've reached the recommended level then you'll need a maintenance dose to keep it there, which may be 2000iu daily, maybe more or less, maybe less in summer than winter, it's trial and error so it's recommended to retest once or twice a year to keep within the recommended range. You can do this with a private fingerprick blood spot test with an NHS lab which offers this test to the general public:
There are important cofactors needed when taking D3 as recommended by the Vit D Council
D3 aids absorption of calcium from food and K2-MK7 directs the calcium to bones and teeth where it is needed and away from arteries and soft tissues where it can be deposited and cause problems such as hardening of the arteries, kidney stones, etc.
D3 and K2 are fat soluble so should be taken with the fattiest meal of the day, D3 four hours away from thyroid meds if taking tablets/capsules/softgels, no necessity if using an oral spray
Magnesium helps D3 to work. We need Magnesium so that the body utilises D3, it's required to convert Vit D into it's active form. So it's important we ensure we take magnesium when supplementing with D3.
Magnesium comes in different forms, check to see which would suit you best and as it's calming it's best taken in the evening, four hours away from thyroid meds if taking tablets/capsules, no necessity if using topical forms of magnesium.
Check out the other cofactors too (some of which can be obtained from food).
I agree with their comments that you should see your GP about your ferritin result.
Levothyroxine 100mcg and I take Magnesium glycinate as it helps with poor sleep . I didn’t know about being able to easily get Vit D tested thanksThanks for your reply will read the links 🙏🏻.
Levothyroxine 100mcg
TSH: 1.02 (0.27-4.2)
FT4: 19.2 (12-22)
FT3: 3.51 (3.1-6.8)
The aim of a treated hypo patient generally is for TSH to be 1 or below or wherever it needs to be for FT4 and FT3 to be in the upper part of their reference ranges, if that is where you feel well.
Your FT4 is 72% through range and your FT3 only 11% through range which suggests poor conversion of T4 to T3. As your nutrient levels generally aren't too bad (increase in Vit D needed and investigation into high ferritin as mentioned), the only things that may improve conversion are supplementing with selenium and zinc (some people like to test levels first).
I would say that you could do with adding some T3 to your Levo (I am not medically qualified, just replying from my own experience and understanding and being a poor converter myself).
I take selenium 50 ug ( half tab ) with a few Brazil nuts . Not had selenium or zinc tested . I’ve tried Naturethroid 👎🏻 was thinking of getting the gene conversion test to then decide whether to add T3 . Only want to approach GP when I’ve covered all avenues I can- as I don’t fancy being given the usual unhelpful responses !
When Hashi's is present the recommended dose is 200mcg of selenium l-selenomethionine.
Brazil nuts only contain selenium if they are grown in selenium rich soil and the packaging needs to say this. Even better if it says whi h area they're grown in as selenium content varies - see
Thanks again - mine are just the cytoplan selenium 100ug elemental.
Did you get GP to refer you to haematology for assessment of extremely high ferritin....possible hemochromatosis
Hemochromatosis and Hashimoto's can be linked and high ferritin can cause problems
Are you on strictly gluten free diet for Hashimoto's?
This might help improve conversion of FT4 to FT3
Yes he did - haematology said it was because of my auto immune profile . Watch n wait they recommended!!
I have TPO . I have anticentromere antibodies for a type of scleroderma and a bit of psoriasis- well controlled . I’m waiting for Conversion results at the mo from Regenerus .
Just off out know will look at links later .
Thanks 🙏 😊
That's a much higher ferritin result that usually caused by inflammation of Hashimoto's
Has GP done full iron panel test to see if iron is also high?
You can have high ferritin and normal iron levels
Did you notice any improvements when strictly gluten free? Some see instant improvements, others it's more slow steady lifting of brain fog
No I’ll ask for that next time . A year ago - Functional Medicine Blood test Serum Iron 19.4 had gone up from 16.6 on previous test a yr before that ( 15.22 - 23.27 )
Transferrin saturation had gone up from 32.1 to 41.2 same time scales
( 20- 35 )
I’ve stopped going to see Functional Medicine Dr now - very expensive but still take sone of the supplements recommended.
None with iron btw
I was better gluten free - slipped off track 😐x