Am I making a fuss when I see my results and think that they could be better.
My Ferritin is 43.4 ug/L (range U30 - 400
TSH is 3.75 miu/L (range 0.35 - 4.5)
Haemoglobin 37 (range U 20 - 42)
My THS levels have improved as they were at 14. My doctor still doesn't really listen when I say I feel fatigued and de-motivated and can't do without a sleep post lunch. He still says its because of my open heart surgery 8 months ago.
I've been stuck on 50 mcgs of Levothyroxine for months now. I was diagnosed with Primary Hypothyroidism 12 months ago.
Should diet alone bring up my Ferritin levels? I know Iron supplements don't always agree with everyone.
I also told my Dr about my low body temperature. It fluctuates during the day and ranges from 34.1 - 35.5 with the occasional increase of 36.5 if I'm having a good day. I instinctively feel unwell. Don't know how to explain my symptoms as they are varied and some seem so trivial. I probably present with an all is well attitude as I hate to admit to any negatives. Open Heart surgery and my recovery was a toddle compared to my thyroid problems. I truly believed that all my symptoms would magically go away once my heart valve was replaced. How wrong am I. Any advice would be so welcome