Can someone please tell me what could possibly be the reason that I have a high pulse rate when my results clearly indicate that my t4 and t3 are well below the optimal range? 😑
High pulse it always a ymptom of ove... - Thyroid UK
High pulse it always a ymptom of overdosing or can it be hypothyroid symptom also?

Because anxiety can be a symptom of hypothyroidism perhaps this could result in the release of adrenaline which would cause your heart to speed up. I am only making a guess. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will comment.
Anaemia can cause tachycardia (fast heart rate) and is quite a common finding in people who are suffering from thyroid problems.
Note that there are lots of causes for tachycardia, not just anaemia, and it has multiple different names depending on the cause of the problem.
As Humanbean says, there are several possible causes of a fast pulse, not all related to the thyroid. That said, in hypothyroidism cardiac regulation can become disordered in different ways. For instance, when I was on levo/T4 I had a pattern of a basal pulse (pulse rate measured on waking) in the low 50s, rising to the 90s and even higher once I got up and moving. I would then have bursts of very rapid heartbeats, along with frequent bouts of irregular heartbeats.
Some of the symptoms of hyper- and hypothyroidism can seem similar, which is why we have to consider our health in the round and not just focus on the thyroid blood test results. It's best to exclude other causes, such as iron deficiency anaemia, but you may well have trouble persuading a GP to consider any of these, since they're likely to put it all down to 'anxiety'. You may have to be very persistent.