So I’m taking t3 at 2.5mcg morning and 2.5mcg late afternoon and levo early morning at 150mcg.
I feel sick on and off constant head pain, very on edge feeling. My eyes when I take the t3 feel like they are darting all over the place. Waking at night.
What should I do about dosage? I know my irons low I’m getting some stronger stuff.
I had emergency bloods last night and here are the results,
TSH 1.6 ranges 0.38-5.5
T4 15.2. 10-18.7
T3 4.3. 3.5-6.5
Iron 8. 9-30
Ferritin 61. 22-322
Any tips on when’s best to take my t3, I’m not sure I can handle full 5mcg in morning.