Please could someone answer this query that I have. Why is it if I drink eg. Just one litre of water am I going to wee four times in approx two hours yet other ppl can drink two /three litres and go once.
Water intake : Please could someone answer this... - Thyroid UK
Water intake

Good question, I am like you. Hope someone can make sense of it for us!
I know that I don’t drink as much as I should do probably something to do with it
Over what period of time are you drinking the water, Ruby?
Well it’s really in the time space of just over hour n half when it’s hot
My friend said I think instead of sipping it slowly you are drinking it too fast
That’s a lot of water in 90mins 😬 is it just because it’s hot or are you drinking more than usual everyday?
The average is 2L per day. We’re awake for about 15hrs so just aim to divide up that 2litres. (Not that I drink 2litres, probably only 1-1 1/2L per day, I’m not a big drinker as I’m fussy about my water)
That’s simply cos I was hot n had headache so I decided to up my water intake
Anytime you drink a large quantity at once you will have to go a lot. I drink 2.5 litres of water a day and I have a litre at breakfast and dinner and 0.5 at lunch so I am not in the bathroom all day! Once I got used to the quantity, I do not go as often and my body adjusted to it.
Depends how long you’re taking to drink? 1 litre of water over 6/8hts shouldn’t make you wee so much. But if it’s something you’ve just introduced maybe you’re not used to it and drinking in too short a time frame. Slow and steady throughout the day.
I can’t drink caffeine without it irritating my bladder. I could easily wet myself with a sneeze! My son is similar with black currant juice.
It also depends on how much urine you pass each time. A friend of mine has irritable, bladder and passes about 200mls each time she urinates. I pass 500-600 mls, therefore I go to the loo a third less than she does. Sadly there are no straight forward answers.
Could it have more to do with the overall settings? That is are you more relaxed on the days you have a opportunity to drink more fluids? What I read in a book I have on prevention of kidney problems such as stones is “Once again, we cannot tell you how much fluid to consume. The emphasis is not on the fluid you put in your mouth but on the urinary output.”
It sounds to me like urinary volume output might be important to observe as opposed to water intake volume. Your kidneys will work to balance your body’s needs if they are functioning properly. Nephrologists order 24 hour urine collections to figure that out.
If you're not eating a reasonable amount of fruit and veg, increase! They supply "slow release" water, as well as valuable nutrients.
To be honest I’m not concerned on that score as I eat blue berries rasp strawberries blackberries every morning for breakfast n I have lots of veg steamed through the week I’m not really a coffee drinker just tea, it was the fact I noticed I’m going to toilet quite a bit after drinking water
Thank you all so much for your advice I will take it on board spread my water intake throughout the day n see how it goes
I find that I pee a lot and get a little incontinent when my b12 injection is running out. It seems the muscles weaken. Within a day of my injection, normal service resumes.
perhaps you have a smaller bladder, or maybe your kidneys work more efficiently.
Because you take Levothyroxine and it's messing with your bladder nerves. I'm exactly the same. NDT doesn't do it but is does other bad things so I'm opting for Levo at the moment.
When you gotta go you gotta go
Seriously, as long as your kidneys are working OK is the main issue, and they must be working, though like every organ they may be less efficient if you are hypothyroid..
I usually need to need go several times during the late morning or early afternoon, then less later on. Probably it's because I have a mug of tea first thing, take my blood pressure tablet, with 1/4 to 1/2 a glass of water, then a big bowl of cereal with lots of milk, or milk and water if it's porridge, followed by my vitamin B supplements with more water. I probably then have a mug of coffee a couple of hours later.
So what goes in has to come out. But the rate and frequency seems to vary a lot, and not always in accord with the timing of or how much you drink. Sometimes I want to go again when I've just been a few minutes before - and produce a fair amount each time.
My guess is that the kidneys have their own diurnal rhythm and work faster some times than others. But there are so many variables. In the recent hot weather we would have lost a lot of water in sweat as well.
Hello RubyWoo
My understanding is that sometimes urine input/output can be related to clearing toxins and flushing the kidneys a bit. The process of peeing is not just about fluid in/fluid out. It helps with regulation.
hi rubywoo6
I drive a bus and am on it approx 4 hours at a time
I have a 1.5 litre bottle . and I can drink 2 of those in the four hours.. if it's hot,like it has been.... usually drink the one in 4 hours if it's cool. my bladder fine as its used to it x.but I still drink 2 per day wen at work anyway
I’m the same, have been wondering if I have low aldosterone as frequent urination is one of the symptoms along with others like low bp, feeling faint, fatigue etc
Funny you should say that as I have the lower end of normal blood pressure I’m often feeling dizzy don’t generally have headaches at all but have been having fuzzy heads pain across eyebrows that made me feel quite nauseous so decided to step up water , I do eat quite healthy n have regular meals. Had eyes tested they are fine,
Might be worth looking into. I know my blood pressure is a bit wonky! It’s on the low end of normal at most times (was 108/60 when taken in hospital last week) but I have postural hypotension too. When I had the tilt table test my blood pressure went from 87/58 lying down to 48/57 stood up - my body doesn’t realise it should be increasing blood pressure when I stand!🤦♀️ That’s the primary reason why I suspect an aldosterone issue. Might see what my endo says when I see him on Monday
I can just imagine me drinking that much I’d have to stop for wee at every mile but seriously I do know what you mean. I think I’m possibly better sipping water through the day rather than guzzling it which is what I was doing in this hot weather, I had noticed I’ve got quite dry skin now that’s y I thought I should be more hydrated, that’s what made me decide to drink more that n the hot weather.
They recommend about 8 glasses of water during the day ! Also depends how hot the weather is and how active you are! Each person is different!
Hi, I'm the same. I drive and do site visits for work so can't guarantee being near a toilet and if I drink I'll be desperate for a wee. It makes no difference if I down it quickly or sip it slowly. I end up having to not drink until I know I'll be near a loo for a few hours afterwards which is really unhealthy.
But, the one thing I have found is that if I drink warm water it seems to go into my system instead of straight through me, so maybe try that?
Oh really that’s interesting I usually drink it as cold as I can handle
When it’s really hot like the last week in the uk I’ve drunk really cold water otherwise it’s room temp
I'm much the same. I drink about 1.5L over my 8 hour work day and 500ml in the evening. I usually can go from about 7am to 11am without needing to pee, then after lunch I have to pee pretty much on the hour, every hour. I also can't sleep through the night without waking up to pee at some point (my housemates used to get annoyed by this, and tell me not to drink in the evenings, but I have to stop drinking at 2pm if I want to sleep through). Last night I had to get up 4 times, which is an unusual amount though.
I think some people just have less bladder capacity, apparently it can go hand in hand with migraine problems?
Oh I didn’t know there was link between that and migraines luckily for me I don’t have to get up in the night to go to toilet I go around 1030 go to bed 1130 approx n up at 630 sleep is ok for me have first tabs at 630 second lot at 730
I have overactive or sensitive bladder. I suffer anxiety and when I get a bad attack, I can literally pee about 150 to 200ml every 15 minutes. I can be in pain to go having only just been quarter of an hour before. I don't drink all that much, about 1.5 litres across the day and quite spread out. I don't drink caffeine and the smallest amount of alcohol aggravates it so I avoid that too.
I pee out far more than I drink, having done a weekly diary for my urologist and my urine output was double my input. I also suffer many headaches. I had a bladder camera and multiple ultrasounds and they can't find anything wrong with me which is great but hard to fix if you don't know the cause.
I have suffered this for years now, in fact since early adulthood and I am now in my early 40's. It controls me sometimes and what I can do as I am forever looking for a toilet.
As I suffer anxiety and social phobia, this makes it worse because I find it hard to use public spaces.
I think it is stress related for me, as I have good days when I am relaxed and in the house and I might only go once an hour. Other times, especially when I am out or anxious, I can pee 3 times in half an hour before going to Tescos and then still have to go in the shop before I can start my shopping. People comment sometimes and it is embarrassing.
I think we are all different and have different bladder capacities and muscle strengths that support them. My kidneys back up easily when I can't go to the loo and this shown on my scans when I had to drink a load of water for an ultrasound. When I could finally pee after the test, it hurt really bad in my right kidney and they told me it was backed up. It clears up by itself and nothing is wrong, but I just can't seem to hold very much before I am in pain to go and I never ever suffer leakage or accident. When I do have to hold it, I can't actually go when I get the chance. It doesn't come and is stop-start for ages. I try not to force it as this can be dangerous for the kidneys but it really is rather unpleasant. I have complete control. It just really fills up fast. It has got worse since being diagnosed with hashimotos so I think there may be a connection there too.
Some times I feel I may as well just live in my bathroom. One time I went to a seaside town where all the loos were 20p a pop. I bet they loved me!
*Water switch is off
Water, is not being absorbed, it's just bypass, to tell exit,
Salt in balance
Could this symptom be due to low ACTH, and resulting low aldosterone?
Maybe it's your bladder? Also, how much you drink or eat depends a lot on how big you are; how much do you weigh, how tall are you? It could be anything.