Recommendations for X-Ray Thyroid Collar? - Thyroid UK

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Recommendations for X-Ray Thyroid Collar?

kev269 profile image
16 Replies


I am looking to purchase an x-ray protective thyroid collar as I will be having some work done on my teeth at the dentist. Would anyone be able to recommend one to me?

Many thanks for your help,

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kev269 profile image
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16 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image

Surely the dentist should have one?

Lora7 profile image

I know they have one at hospitals just in case anyone wants to shield their thyroid, so does your Dentist have one? I nearly used one when I went for my 3 yearly mammogram but decided against it. Now I am thinking I should have asked for one because that is when I started to get problems with my thyroid again.

MiniMum97 profile image

Is this a thing we should be doing?

Yppah profile image

Sorry a bit random and not quite what you asked but...

This is not a knowledgeable answer by any means, but I refused a dental X-ray recently (after reading Izabella Wentz’s book, I have Hashimoto’s). However, the dentist told me that having a thyroid shield has been shown to converge the x-rays on the thyroid and cause more problems. I still declined, having listened to a whole load of cr@p over the last few years from various health professionals. I do want to safely change my 8 mercury amalgams at some point when I feel well enough, and have found a dentist who sounds onboard with this, by using a rubber damn and an oxygen mask, in Huddersfield. Other than the initial consultation, this didn’t sound more expensive than standard private dentistry.

Foxy23 profile image
Foxy23 in reply to Yppah

Hi which practise in hudds. I go to private one in hudds. Had veneers on top. But would like to eventually remove my silver fillings. Cost a fortune but now on a plan so maybe cheaper.

Yppah profile image
Yppah in reply to Foxy23

Hi, it’s Cote Royd. Haven’t used them so can’t recommend as such. But definitely the approach I’m looking for.

Foxy23 profile image
Foxy23 in reply to Yppah

I go to courtyard. Will ask next month on check up to see how they go about removing them.

I wonder whether these fillings play a part. I have most of them in my back teeth.

Yppah profile image
Yppah in reply to Foxy23

I’ve been wanting mine changed for cosmetic reasons for some time. And reading in a book that they may play a part just makes me maybe get round to doing it. ..

Lora7 profile image

The year 2016 when this came back, I had an x ray for a stiff neck. I so regret having that now because I wonder if it set it all off again. :o(

Foxy23 profile image

I have had lots of xrays, due to chest pains. Now found on this site, its a common occurence on levo. Also had dyes for my kidneys. Have a cyst. Also had a dye to check arteries. One for my bowels. Did not know this causes problems. Although I did get a guide and it said with my procedure I had 4 years with of radiation in one go go it. Scary. But if you did not get checked you may die of something else. Sometimes too much knowledge is not a good thing to have.

When I had the dye to check heart. I felt fantastic for the following few weeks. I even mentioned this to my doc. Then went downhill again. It sound stupid and she did look at me funny. But I did feel really well.

Miffie profile image

I had radiation therapy in the 1950s which is why I was diagnosed under active less than 10 years later. I believe everything is so much more advanced and safer these days. However you should always ask if you are worried. Before buying your own collar could you just phone and ask if they have one. Might save a bit of cash. x

Xanthi profile image

I was told by my dentist & the hygienist that using a collar is actually more dangerous as rays can get trapped and bounce around rather than going straight out again. I was reluctant but had X-ray.

Though shortly after I had to have a chest X-ray (& lower region scan) as NICE guidelines recommended it for high platelet count. I just couldn’t make up my mind as had vowed to self not to have any more X-rays. I’ve had a few in the past & even though last one was over 10 years ago, didn’t fancy anymore. As I felt that if I did have lung cancer I would probably die anyway & if I didn’t I could have neg effects from X-ray. I didn’t have any symptoms and actually felt better than I had for a long time. For the first time in over 10 years I had actually lost weight (which I thought was impossible with hashis; having tried 5/2 in the past without any results). I became vegan in January and was delighted to be getting rid of fat around my middle. It was totally unexpected. Anyway, with the thought that if I did have something, it might poss be caught early enough, I went ahead. Turns out I don’t have lung cancer, which is great, but I don’t feel so well anymore. Also, the weight is creeping back. I did change from Mecury Phama to other brands (activas), as could only get 25’s in Mecury). Other than that though, I have no explanation for the reversal of wellbeing. I’m going back to Mecury, but can’t help feeling it’s probably because of the X-ray affecting my thyroid & metabolism. Wish I’d stuck to my gut instinct & not had it 😕. I do realise in certain circumstances that they can save lives and are a great diagnostic tool; but I was pretty sure that I didn’t need one.

Lora7 profile image
Lora7 in reply to Xanthi

I have never heard of x rays getting trapped and bouncing around . I wonder why hospital sometimes use a shield if a woman is not sure if she is pregnant or not if the x rays get trapped and bounce around ... the mind boggles...

I just read this.

selina_kohen profile image

Dentists don't have dental X-ray radiation collars (for thyroid protection). They say the radiation is so little that it will not harm the thyroid - and that's not correct!

Greekchick profile image
Greekchick in reply to selina_kohen

Hi Selena,

My dentist does and has had for 20 years - and he uses it every time I get dental x rays. It may depend on the office. He still uses it even though I have no thyroid anymore.

selina_kohen profile image
selina_kohen in reply to Greekchick

You are luck you have such a good dentist. I used to go to a private dental surgery until recently and unfortunately they were against the collar. My new NHS dental surgery don't have the collar, even the Eastman hospital doctor said the same thing.

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