I'm sat in the ladies loos at work crying my eyes out again because of another rubbish experience with my doctor's about my thyroid.
So when I first moved to university about 15 years ago I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and put on levothyroxine. Lots of blood tests later I'm on 250mcg and the results are beginning to look normal and I feel better.
At some point I moved house and my new doctor surgery started reducing the dose until I no longer needed levothyroxine as I "didn't have an underactive thyroid". I spent years going in and out of the surgery with all the symptoms of an underactive thyroid and demanding blood tests all of which came back in the normal range so no action required.
Me and my other half are trying for a baby, nothing is working so we start private IVF as the waiting list is too long on the NHS. They do their blood tests and my TSH is 6.8 and as that was so abnormal they suggested I take it back to the doctors surgery so I can have an NHS prescription rather than a private one. I'm finally put onto levothyroxine at 25mcg.
I've just had my three month blood test and apparently everything is normal again. My TSH is at 3. I still feel like crap all the time - I'm constantly tired, can't shift any weight, freezing cold all the time, irritable, contending with some kind of mental fug // light headedness, dry skin, muscle aches, no libido and now weird periods too. Surely if my thyroid levels were getting back to normal I'd feel at least a little better? If anything I feel worse now I'm on the medicine than I did before.
Any advice would be great as I'm really at the end of my tether. I'm waiting for my full blood test results but will need to wait until I can physically get into the surgery which won't be until next week now.