I have had three short synacthen test carried out. First baseline 251 (240-600) rise 395 >430nmol acth 4 >20mu/l.
Second baseline 377 rise 423 acth 6
Doctors says it was borderline sick day rule only of HC. I questioned why as I didnt meet the minimum requirements to the response!
Their answer was to do a third one
Got my results today by post
Baseline 256 rise 314 the letter said it was satisfactory and no further investigation required! Satisfactory? Its the worse out the three. They also cancelled my next appointment. So I can’t even discuss this wihj them.
Additional blood work
aldosterone 130 Range (130-800)
renin 41.01 <52 igf-1 196 (72-259)
Are these results normal? Do I need to be on HC daily? And why aren’t my adrenals meeting cut off? Can anyone help me?