My mum's lab test,i need your help!!: Hi... - Thyroid UK

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My mum's lab test,i need your help!!

Lispuhiza profile image
32 Replies

Hi everyone my mum is 74,she's on levo 100 mcg,this are results:

TSH3 0.323 uIU/ml 0.450-5.330

Total t3 -0.83 ng/ml 0.87-1.78

Total t4- 13.49 ug/dl 6.09-12.23

And these are resulst, done on 11'th of January when she was on levo 125 mcg,

TSH -0.05 (0.25-5.0)

FT4 19.82. (9.0-20.0)

FT3 4.13 (4.0-8.3)

Please i need any advice,what to do,also i have yo say that creatinine is high 133,is there any connection?

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Lispuhiza profile image
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32 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image

You can't compare the two lots of tests as one has Total T4/T3 and the other has Free T4/T3.

Looking at the results with the FT4/FT3 tests, then the comments are the same as you've been given before. She has poor conversion and needs the addition of T3 to a slightly lower dose of Levo.

Presumably B Complex was left off for a week as previously advised.

High creatinine is to do with kidneys.

Lispuhiza profile image
Lispuhiza in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you SeasdeSusie.

What about my results:

Tsh3 0.205 uLu (0.450-5.330)

Total t3-1.12 ng/ml (0.87-1.78)

Total t4 9.49 ug/dl (6.09-12.23)

I'm on levo 100 mcg,to continue on this dose or to lower it?

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Lispuhiza

Sorry Lispuhiza, Total T4/T3 doesn't tell us anything, you need Ft4/Ft3 tested to know your actual hormone levels. You can't adjust dose by TSH alone, your FT4/FT3 could be anywhere.

Lispuhiza profile image
Lispuhiza in reply to SeasideSusie

Ohhh i didn't know it,thanks SeasdeSusie 😊

In fact i haven't done anything with this test??i should repeat again the test the Ft3 and Ft4??

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Lispuhiza

If you want to know whether your dose needs adjusting, then you need to repeat your test and include TSH, FT4, FT3.

Lispuhiza profile image
Lispuhiza in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you SeasdeSusie 😊

Lispuhiza profile image
Lispuhiza in reply to SeasideSusie

Hi SeasdeSusie,as you advised me i have repeated the test,together with my mum.

These are my result,and later i will post my mum's results:

Tsh: 0.06 (0.25-5.00)

FT4 18.81 (9.0-20.0)

FT3 6.63 (4.0-8.3)

I'M on levo 100 mcg,also selenium 100,what do you think?? Are ok the results?

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Lispuhiza

Tsh: 0.06 (0.25-5.00)

FT4 18.81 (9.0-20.0)

FT3 6.63 (4.0-8.3)

That doesn't look too bad a result.

FT4 is 89% through it's range, FT3 is 61% through range.

How do you feel?

FT4/FT3 are not quite balanced, but that may be fine for you. Conversion may be helped by optimal nutrient levels. Many of your posts are about your mum's results, so I can't easily pick out if you've posted your nutrient levels anywhere.

Article about increasing conversion naturally:

Lispuhiza profile image
Lispuhiza in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you SeasdeSusie.

I take b complex,Vit C 1000

Osteofit (calcium,zink,magnezium,

D3+k2,small amounts,each of them)

Omega 3 +vit E (small amounts)

Selenium 100 mcg.

I feel good,except some symptoms:

I hear noises(tinnitus) like (vacuum cleaner hair dryer) when i go to bed or when it's very quite.It bothers a lot.

When i stand up,i feel a bit lightheaded sometimes dizziness.

I often check my blood pressure, 120 -80,sometimes 110-70 or lower.

Now,do i need to add t3? Or...

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Lispuhiza

I'm afraid I can't tell whether your nutrient levels are optimal by you just telling me what supplements you take. I will give you the optimal levels and you will be able to tell yourself when you test them whether you are taking enough dose of supplement:

Vit D - 125nmol/L [50ng/ml] according to the Vit D Council

Serum B12 - top of range, certainly above 550pg/ml as because deficiencies begin to appear in the cerebrospinal fluid below that level.

Active B12 (a better test than serum B12) - certainly above 70 with a range similar to approx 25-180, I'd not be happy with anything less than 100 with a range like that.

Low B12 can cause tinnitus and dizziness.

Folate - at least half way through range

Ferritin - half way through range

I would be wary of Osteofit, we only need to take calcium if tested and found to be deficient.

The symptoms you mention are more likely to be low B12 than low T3.

Your FT3 is pretty good at 61%. The need for T3 would be shown by a FT3 lower in range than yours, so even though your FT4/FT3 aren't perfectly balanced they may be right for you, and if not quite right then I'd look at trying to improve naturally before considering T3. You've already said you can't get it in your country.

Lispuhiza profile image
Lispuhiza in reply to SeasideSusie

Finally,I've found t3,on Moday i will get them,if you say i need to take.

What about my mum's results:

TSH:0.22 (0.25-5.00)

FT4 18.08 (9.0-20.0)

FT3 6.02 (4.0-8.3)

She's on levo,100mcg same as I.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Lispuhiza

I haven't said you need to take T3, your FT3 result isn't too bad and the only symptoms that you have mentioned could very well be low B12. My advice at the moment is to make sure your nutrient levels are all optimal.

With your mother's results, her FT4 is 83% through range and FT3 is 47% through range. Again, are her nutrients at the optimal levels mentioned in my previous reply? If they are she may benefit from the addition of some T3, if not then it's best to optimise them before adding T3.

Lispuhiza profile image
Lispuhiza in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you so much SeasdeSusie,for every advice.

I have a question,it is true that t3 can cause heart attack?

Because an Endo told me that taking them it's risky,my mum suffers from angina Pectoris( not enough oxygen into heart muscle) is it safe for her to take them? She takes heart medicines.

Also i forgot to tell you,I've gain some kilos,i can't lose weight as in the past,despite trying to lose them.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Lispuhiza

I'm afraid I can't say whether taking T3 would cause a heart attack, taking it inappropriately would cause problems but those problems may be different from one person to another. As your mother already has heart problems then I can't say if it's safe for your mother to take T3. I'm not medically trained.

Being optimally medicated with optimal thyroid test results should allow us to lose weight if we eat sensibly. However, my results are optimal and I could do with losing about 7lbs.

Lispuhiza profile image
Lispuhiza in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you SeasdeSusie.

Well i seems that hypothyroidism runs in family.

Another thing that makes me sad,is my sister case,she's very tired muscle aches,sleepy,foggy brain, headaches that last 2 or 3 days.

She went to Endo he did a thyroid ultrasound,while doing it he said that you may be hypo,but after blood test he changed his decision,here are her results:

Free t4 14.4 (10.3-23.1)

Tsh 1.71 (0.40 -4.0)

Anti tpo 10.2 <35

Anti Tg-At 12.0 <80

Calcitonin 3.6 <11.5.

Do you think she needs levo? Small dose?? Endo said that she's ok,that she's not hypo? But she looks like hypo!! Any opinoin??

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Lispuhiza

Her results are euthyroid (normal). There is nothing to suggest a thyroid problem.

Lispuhiza profile image
Lispuhiza in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you SeasdeSusie,Do you think hair loss is associated also with low b12 level? I have hair loss,don't have any improvement.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Lispuhiza

B12/hair loss:

Vitamin deficiencies/hair loss:

Lispuhiza profile image
Lispuhiza in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you very much,SeasdeSusie.

Thank you for all of your answers,

For your time,for everything,god

bless you and your family 😊❤

MaisieGray profile image

There are also lifestyle factors that can cause increased creatinine - high levels of exercise, which perhaps may not be a factor given your Mum's age; and also high intake of all forms of protein, but especially meat.


Does your Mum have any symptoms? Is she reasonably well and able to do some gentle exercise eg walking?

Is she able to eat well and drink plenty of water ?

Are you in the UK?

Have you been able to see an Endocrinologist with her to ask for a little T3?

Do you have the range for the Creatinine test result? Is every other result within range?

Have you considered putting a post on the Kidney forum?

Lispuhiza profile image
Lispuhiza in reply to Mary-intussuception

Thank you Mary-intussuception,

Yes she walks everyday 30 minutes sometimes more,also does 5 min on exercise bike,twice daily.

Creatinine is 133 (44.00-97.00)

Well in our country doesn't exist t3,( i have mentioned so many times on my previous i asked a friend that she lives in Uk,to order it,but she couldn't ordered,because they asked doctor receipe,without prescription she couldn't bought them.

I don't see any other way,how to get them...i also need it,im also hypo 😦

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Lispuhiza

Sadly, many people in the UK can't get T3 either.

Your Mum doesn't have any symptoms then?

My FreeT3 was low , within range. I am hoping that the Endocrinologist will prescribe it on my next visit. But I, too, only take Levothyroxine (75mcg for 5 days then 100mcg for 2 days).

You could ask about the Creatinine result on one of the Kidney forums. Or read through the websites of the Kidney organisations in UK and US. You could also email either for advice.

Hope this helps.

Edit ps:

Can't find email address for advice on either UK or USA Kidney Foundations. Only UK phone helpline .

So I would post a question about Creatinine result on " Early CKD" forum or "Kidney Disease " forum on here . Or both !

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Lispuhiza

If you can't get t3 in your country you can probably get NDT from Thailand over the internet (and probably T3 too, which is what most people have to do)

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Lispuhiza

Hi again

Having looked over previous posts I see that you have posted previously on Kidney Disease? You could go back to that post or try on "Early CKD" forum.

I see that your Mum also has Diabetes. Is she under a Specialist (Endocrinologist Consultant ) for this condition? Especially if it is not controlled? The same Specialist should be monitoring her Hypothyroidism also.

Does she attend a Diabetic Clinic? Could you go with her to see the Diabetes Nurse? You could take a list of all your questions and concerns with you and ask for advice /direction.

Is there a Dietician in your hospital the the Diabetes Nurse could refer you to?

Lispuhiza profile image
Lispuhiza in reply to Mary-intussuception

Thank you Mary-intussuception,yes she's under control,yestarday she did the A1c (thre months measurement of blood sugar) was 7.1,she's on diet,it's same doctor that monitors thyroid and diabet.

For the first time creatinin is to high.

She's constipated all the time,cold feet,insomnia (sleeps just with sleep pills) ect. Thanks again.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Lispuhiza

The constipation can have an effect on her back pain. It can put pressure on her circulation and lower spine making pain in back & legs worse. It's important that the constipation is addressed.

Can she take Lactulose medicine? Perhaps the Diabetic Nurse could prescribe it? Also available over- the - counter.

If she drinks lots of extra water and takes 15 ml Lactulose every morning and evening she should start to see some improvement in 3 to 5 days or sooner. If she stays on the Lactulose she should become regular. Very important to keep regular.

Some pain medications can cause constipation and stop the bowel working.

Also chronic constipation can cause long term problems with pelvic floor muscle and organs if not resolved.

I now have severe bowel conditions that I would not wish on anyone. I suffered chronic constipaton for many years before my diagnosis of Hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis. Finally diagnosed in late 2011 - phew !! But lots of damage already suffered to whole body.


Do you realise you replied to me - I'm not sure if the poster will get a notification?

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Mary-intussuception

The person who started a thread always gets a notification of any replies.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to humanbean

Thanks humanbean.

Oh, OK thanks Londinium. xx🐥

Lispuhiza profile image

Thank you Londinium for advices,my mum used a lot of flaxseed,in this way how you told me,but there wasn't any result.

I think my mum is not drinking enough water,she can't drink it, she doesn't like,but maybe it's nit the only factor,maybe it's something else,also sedimentation of eritrocite is 60..

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