Although I have suffered with underactive thyroid for more than 30 years it is the first time I have asked for a print out of my results. I told the doctor I was feeling tired brain fog gaining weight and generally unwell by blood test results are as follows which he said is in the normal range anybody help me.Serum TSH level 0.01 mlU/L (0.3-4.5 Serum freetriiodthyronine 5.0 pmol/L(3.1-6.8 Serum free T4 level 20.5 pmol/L (11.0-22.0.
Help to understand results.: Although I have... - Thyroid UK
Help to understand results.

Are you still taking the AD's that you mentioned in your post of 3 years ago ? It's possible they could skew your results. They look good - but it is more important to go by how you are feeling....
Have you had the usual culprits checked - B12 - Ferritin - Folate - Iron - VitD ? They all need to high in their ranges for optimal thyroid health.
Low B12 can make you feel tired...
Yes still taking AD's the doctor has never offered me the other things you have mentioned I had B12 around 2 years ago and was told white blood cells were deteriorating but was nothing to worry about and nothing has been said since. I really feel unwell but when I go to the doctor I always feel like a fraud
Please do not feel like that - it is difficult when you are poorly and everything about thyroid seems so complicated. You have to ask for the tests - The Famous Five - that I have mentioned above - they will not be offered to you. When you have had them done post the results here with their ranges and someone will comment. Something must be out of synch for you to feel so tired and depressed.
Did you read the B12 link ? - it could be just something as simple as that...especially as you have taken it before. Read and read to ensure you ask the right questions when you see your GP. Information is power Write a list of all the things you want to discuss and be polite but firm. Alternatively you could write to your GP prior to your next appointment to save time on the day. It has worked for others I believe.
Do you have any gut issues ? Are you taking any other medicine in addition to T4 and AD's.? Gut issues can effect absorption of important vitamins and minerals....
You are NOT a fraud Most of us find on this forum that we have to take control of our own health and just keep on learning....and reading LOTS...
Thanks for that I will have good read of the B12 link I don't know what is wrong but when I say to doctor the symptoms are the same as my thyroid problem he takes blood says it's all ok then that's the end of it. I am not on any other medication apart from painkillers.
Yes they go by ranges - and for B12 it is 180-900. Just slight variations in various labs. You will read on the link that in Japan the B12 range is 500-1300. That's how it should be everywhere. Neurological damage can start at levels around 450....just forgetting where you put the keys and things like that Doctors think you are fine if your result states 185 - but under 180 they are obliges to treat - now where is the sense in that.
There is another site where there is a questionnaire which you can answer on-line and the colour changes and you will end up with a score which will define your B12 status. Fun to do...
Gut issues ?
Hi tried the questionnaire and it seems it could be that my dad was diagnosed with it about 10 years ago so it looks like another battle at the doctors. Gut issues have suffered from heartburn quite a lot is that what you mean.
Ok so your Dad was diagnosed with B12 deficiency or was it Pernicious anaemia ? You should be tested in my humble opinion.... Heartburn can be a problem if your thyroid hormones are low. Foods like proteins stay in the stomach too long as they need to be broken down into smaller bits before moving into the gut. They need good levels of acid to break down proteins - so when the thyroid is low so will the stomach acid - and problems ensue.... If protein hangs around too long it begins to ferment and causes acid reflux or heartburn....try drinking lemon juice in the morning to neutralise the stomach. Or ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar....
It was pernicious anaemia my dad has he has injection every 10 weeks so if I go to the doctor what tests should I be asking for.
A GP usually starts with a full blood count (FBC) to test for anaemia. B12 and folate deficiency can cause enlarged red blood cells (macrocytosis). However this can be masked in the FBC by a co-existing iron deficiency which causes small red blood cells (microcytosis). Also, you can suffer neurological symptoms without ever showing signs of anaemia or macrocytosis.
So you must also get serum B12, folate and ferritin tested, not just the FBC. Since there is a family history of PA I would also push the GP for the antibody tests, anti-intrinsic factor and anti-parietal cells.
You can test in the normal range for serum B12 and still suffer a deficiency, it's not an accurate test (you must always ask for a copy of the result). There are some other tests available - active B12, MMA and homocysteine - but the GP won't do these.
Best to start with the ones the GP can do (FBC, serum B12, folate, ferritin, IFAbs, PCAbs) and see how you go. There is a page about testing here:
The most important thing to remember is don't take any supplements whilst you are trying to get a diagnosis, it will skew the test results.
In fact this "what to do next" page is very useful:
H x

Thanks for that it all seems so complicated what about getting tests privately any idea of prices ect.
I would start with the GP, you have a family history of PA, and you have hypo type symptoms even though your thyroid labs are normal. He should test you for PA. No sense in paying for tests if you don't need to.
And just reading your other comments, I would ask for copies of the test results you had 2 years ago. Chances are you probably needed treatment back then and have been left to deteriorate.

ok will try to get the results and ask for blood tests thanks.
This is a link which explains the relationship between TSH and weight gain:-
Think your link is not working
It says got to be over 18 lol
What? says it has to be over 18.
Yes its taking me to 02 over 18 ..I take it that wasn't what you wanted me to look at ?
I'm obviously destined to stay fat !!!!
do all your links go to O2? here's a pdf version to try....