Hi, I'm lucky to have a really good endo who is trying to secure funding for a randomised controlled trial of NDT.
He has sent me a questionnaire and asked me to distribute it to try and get as many responses as possible so they can prove the need.
If any of you wouldn't mind completing it and PM me your email address I can send you the questionnaire to complete then return it to me through email so I can forward it on?
(I'm going to check if he minds me giving out his email so people can send it direct but until he's confirmed that's OK please send it back to me. I am an nhs healthcare professional and governed by my professions standards including confidentiality but it doesn't ask for any patient identifiable information so it would only be your email I'd know)
He's asked that you complete it based on when you were at your worst. And a second copy of how you are now if you have improved to compare. I think it may help if you stated on it why you feel better.
He's asked me as I'm one of the only ones he's seen on t3 as I bought it myself to try. (The ccg won't allow it to be prescribed in the area so my gp does a private prescription based on my endo's recommendation.)