My Regenerus cortisol saliva test showed low morning cortisol just outside normal with other 3 samples being at low end of range & low DHEA ( have posted results previously with Phase 3 adrenal insufficiency. GP confirmed low morning serum cortisol with referral to endo (18 wk wait for appointment. I have corrected my vit levels with good quality B12/folate ( sublingual) Vit D/K2 mouth spray, zinc, selenium, magnesium maleate. Now need to retest Vits & thyroid to see if this has had any impact. I have done considerable reading around adrenal support & feel that Adrenavive may help.? After reading DrMyhills website feel Pregnenolone may be the answer? My dilemma is which should I try first or can I take them together ? Have any members experience of these or advice to offer?