Seems things are getting difficult in the US, too!
Seems things are getting difficult in the US, too!
I wish petitions would give the date that they were created in the blurb. If that date was there I couldn't find it.
Signed and Delivered . Thank You greygoose .
Thank you, jg.
Signed! 🤞🏻
Signed x
Signed. Sadly, there is that growing undercurrent of 'Pet Theory' arrogance being pushed by specific endos in certain places, not simply Pharma interests.
Like lawyers, 'they all P in the same pot' and are pushing this 'T4 is all that's needed' internationally... even up to 2014, GP's were free to make choices on preferred treatment on a named patient basis.
Hang on to those hats...
Yes, makes you wonder what's behind it all...
It may well seem trite, but anyone listening to Prof. Weetman... his followers are within my local Teaching Hospital [where I believe he spent some time], will very quickly grasp what has been going on for some time... 'Pet Theories Rule OK'.
Yes, but the question is, where did Prof. Weetman get his ideas? And, more to the point, why the hell did he become an endo? He hates hypos!
Imagine the distress of those of us - who remain suffering - whilst within my home town, my own university - which has such a rich history within the field of endocrinology - yet the treatment of myself and several others is...
Imagine my concern when I read:
Celebrating 125 years of thyroid hormone treatment: Published 13 May 2016
"Doctors and clinical researchers from around the world came together in Newcastle to mark 125 years since the discovery of thyroid hormone replacement."
THYROXINE discovered by Newcastle medic
: “In 1891, a young Newcastle doctor, Dr George Murray, injected an extract from a sheep’s thyroid gland into a patient with symptoms of thyroid under-activity. Over a period of months, the patient got much better. 125 years later around 3% of the population takes thyroxine or thyroid medicines." Added to this was, "Considering that the idea of a ‘hormone’ hadn't even been invented at this time, Dr Murray made a remarkable medical advance; one that millions of people continue to benefit from."
Indeed the above is factual re the remarkable use of sheep thyroid extract BUT that was use of the WHOLE thyroid extract, not the isolation of thyroxine. It was even intimated that in 2016 Dr Murray discovered thyroxine... which was, of course, not discovered until:
"Thyroxine was first isolated in pure form in 1914 at the Mayo Clinic by Edward Calvin Kendall from extracts of hog thyroid glands. The hormone was synthesized in 1927 by British chemists Charles Robert Harington and George Barger.". No one is seeking to detract from the excellent work of George Murray, but I suspect that thyroid glands had been in the USA in the 1880's.
Now, one might reasonably assume that my 'Home Town' would be... hmm... it may well be for some but not of the several people that I've met with. My own story is in process of being written because it defies any sense of reason, from any quarter: it is quite shocking, as I continue to worsen.
As for Weetman: "In the early 1970s, Newcastle University was renowned across the globe for ground-breaking research in the field of Endocrinology. Here, the legendary Professor Reg Hall was dissecting out the mechanisms of thyroid gland disease at the Royal Victoria Infirmary. Reg was an exceptional mentor, and he had a knack for finding and nurturing the most exceptional clinical scientists. His protégés included Tony Weetman, current? Dean of Medicine in Sheffield, and Alan McGregor, Professor of Medicine at King’s College London. And in 1971, there was a new member of the team, Dr Terry Davies, an enthusiastic recent graduate of the Newcastle undergraduate medical programme, MBBS." And on it goes...
Yes, but we all know that things are going backwards, not forwards, since Big Pharma came to power.
I have written, signed and paid up I hope this helps. Perhaps, we should take arms, not against a sea of troubles but against the way all thyroid patients are being mistreated.
Plenty of people are 'taking arms', but so far we haven't seen any results. Things just seem to be getting worse rather than better.
Just out of interest are there any figures for the number of people affected by thyroid problems? Percentage wise.
I expect there are, but I don't know them.
I can't see us all marching for better treatment most of us are feeling too poorly.
That's absolutely true. You need energy to riot. That's probably why they think they can get away with murder, in our case - sometimes literally!
Signed but I so wish these petitions weren’t needed. The evidence is in plain sight so I honestly cannot understand why thyroid patients have to continually fight for the right treatment. 😢
I'm sure the reasons are long and complicated. But, basically, it comes down to ignorance, arrogance and money.
And I think money more than the others. 😡
Long before hard cash became an issue, arrogance and ignorance reigned supreme... the latter concern over money has only served to aid and abet the arrogant and the ignorant in their quest... this is akin to the Middle Ages but with no Renaissance in sight
That is all very true. But, as patients become more informed, and start demanding their rights to good health, the arrogant and ignorant will eventually be tumbled from their perch. But, until the supremacy of Big Pharma is destroyed, we don't really stand a chance!
To borrow a quote from the Thyroid Petition Scotland FB page/Lorraine Cleaver
"Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Indeed, but many that I've met are too scared to 'take them on'... wouldn't say 'boo to a goose' [sorry, couldn't resist! ] I've challenged them sentence by sentence... but if John Lowe couldn't make any indentation, what chance do we have? That doesn't mean that I'll stop but we all need to 'stand up and be counted'. In 2019, I will 'publish and be damned'
Singed and donation made. Thank you for information on this Grey goose.
It won't let me sign, I wonder if I have signed it before, could this be the reason?
It wont let me sign either. I was also wondering if I might have signed previously.
I am one of the lucky few who gets T3 on the NHS. I only take T3 at 60mcg per day. I now feel closer to normal than at any time in the past 37 years. Over half my life fighting!
Yes maybe you have signed before.
It is so good to hear you are doing well on 60mcg. T3.
My daughter takes 75mcg. and feels much better than she did, but still feels there is room for improvement. She has to purchase them herself, well I do. I get them as her main birthday and Christmas presents, then just add a few small presents. This way its saves her paying out for them all the time.
Shame we have to do it this way, but all she has been offered from NHS is levothyroxine and she felt awful on it.
Signed thanks Greygoose and no need to thank me!
HI signed. I have Hasimotos. I struggled for years and the NHS endocrinology just kept upping my dosage. I felt so crap all the time. Eventually I went to a private GP just to try and figure out what could be going on. As the NHS doctors were not even willing to engage in a conversation as to why I still might be feeling so bad despite the figures on paper being within tolerance. The results showed that I was created RT3 (Reverse T3) which I came to understand was being counterproductive. So despite the amount of T4 being created my T3 levels were still not great.
It took some convincing but I took this information back to the NHS to fight the logic 0 eventually 1 doctor agreed and put me on a combo of T4 and T3 and I have felt normal - great infant. That was nearly 10 years ago. However, my GP is telling me that all of a sudden they are thinking of taking it away... I have been TOLD, not asked, TOLD, to go back to the endocrinology unit and I know its just because of the cost. I just know that going back they are going to just say 'new guidance' blah blah and take it away. To be honest I cried when I finally won the battle to get T3 and now I know I will be devastated when they take it away. I just don't know what to do.
Yes, this has happened to so many people, and it's a scandal! And so many people end up having to buy there own T3. But, even that is getting difficult, these days.
However, I do feel that if you're going to tell you story you should at least get the facts right.
The results showed that I was created RT3 (Reverse T3) which I came to understand was being counterproductive. So despite the amount of T4 being created my T3 levels were still not great.
Everybody 'creates' rT3, it's a natural process. But, it wasn't the rT3 causing your T3 to be low. In fact, it was the other way round. It was because you could not convert T4 to T3 that the T4 was converting to excess rT3. If the FT4 gets too high - because it's not converting to T3 - it starts converting to more rT3. Therefore, adding more and more T4 is not the right approach. What is needed is a reduction in levo and T3 added to it, as was finally done for you. But, very, very few doctors anywhere know anything about that. They just don't learn about it in med school.
Thank you for the clarification x
You're welcome.
Greygoose what happened about the T3 petition?