Here is petition to sign and share
A petition to sign and share: Here is petition to... - Thyroid UK
A petition to sign and share

Have signed
Well done brilliant for starting
I thought obesity concerns were in women, men and children.
I signed this petition a very long time ago, but I wish it was less wordy and had more detail about: a) the over reliance on the unreliable TSH test, b) the list of tests actually needed which even if requested my medical professionals are often refused by lab c) more detail about the alternative natural desiccated thyroid treatments d) more use of the D102 test which picks up those not converting the synthetic T4 - Levothyroxine/Synthroid to T3 ie indicating an alternative treatment being offered such as NDT, and, e) the overly dished out label of Fibro to so many not adequately investigated for their thyroid problems amongst other health concerns they may have f) finally a change in the atrocious attitude dished out to medical staff who prescribe NTD, by an uniformed and punative medical regulator. Making sure that only a very narrow band of patients get this alternative medication on a named patient basis only. Most with Thyroid problems are women! of course a percentage are men, but one wonders about this! Maryf
I think you're right. I can't see anyone in the health dept taking it too seriously as the problems aren't highlighted in a coherent and fully understandable way. No statistics, no research, no references, etc. No disrespect to the author btw, at least they're trying.

Perhaps a petition to get them to research data thoroughly , and put in layman's terms! X
But haven't we got researchers to do that? This should be about policy amendments to ensure better treatment! And the petition is ancient with hardly any signatures. Most petitions seem pointless in all reality. This one particularly.

I think researchers just get bogged down with their own itty bitty "bubble".do any of them agree and consult/liase with like minded researchers.seems they all want to discover something probably not totally relevant to discovering reasons for and cure of illness.i think each person would have a physical sign ,like all of us, but they look at brain / depression stuff. If a body plays up, there is a reason.not "oh it's stress depression, "etc.
I've signed it too! I need NDT to control my thyroid cancer but my cancer hospital refuses to fund it. Getting it recognised as a treatment for thyroid cancer would help many sufferers like myself.
Well done and thank you.
TT x