Hi there,
I have been tested twice for low thyroid as I suffer badly from fatigue, depression, feeling cold and muscle weakness (aka many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism).
However, both times I've come up low for T4 (around 10-11) but normal for TSH (around 1-2 level).
The first doctor didn't want to prescribe thyroid tablets as TSH is in normal range and second doctor is seeking the opinion of another doctor (possibly a specialist). I think they are asking about possible hypopituitarism (sp?)
I also have fibromyalgia, possible ME/CFS, Raynauld's Syndrome and Bipolar Disorder Type 2.
Just wondering if anyone here has had a similar experience with low T4 but normal TSH. The surgery won't do a T3 test.
I'm not working at present due to the fatigue and depression, so trialling a small dose of thyroxine is something I had been hoping for.
Thanks all