I was tentatively diagnosed with Graves 6 weeks ago, T4 - 64.3 (range 9-24), T3 - >30.7 (range 3.5-6.5) and TSH - <0.03 (range 0.35-5), still awaiting results for TRab and TPO, but I've been on 40mg of Carbimazole and Propanolol. At the time I was told that I wouldn't see an NHS Endo for 6 weeks, worried, I contacted a private Endo and saw them within a week. I've now got my follow-up appointment with the private Endo and the first appointment with the NHS Endo on the same day. Do I see both? If so, should I disclose to both that I've seen the other?
Two Endo appointments, one private, one NHS, do... - Thyroid UK
Two Endo appointments, one private, one NHS, do I see both?

Choose one or the other, seeing both will be confusing if they have diferent treatment plans.
You don't need to "disclose" anything to anyone; but why waste your money seeing a private Consultant on the same day as seeing an NHS one, and why waste the NHS resources seeing an NHS Consultant on the same day as seeing a private one? If you have bloods drawn at each, they're not going to be comparable due to different times of day; and if the private Endo prescribes a different treatment regime it won't necessarily be met by your NHS Drs. Your treatment is currently following the NICE guidelines so what are you hoping to achieve by seeing a private Endo?
I arranged to see a private Endo (I have medical insurance) as I was only able to see my GP and an A&E doctor, neither of whom provided much info on what was wrong with me, despite putting me on a high dose of Carbimazole.
Based on what I've read on this site, regular blood tests seem to be vital for effectively treating Graves, my hope is that a private Endo will enable more frequent testing. Based on the advice here, I will cancel the NHS Endo appointment; you're right, I certainly wouldn't want to waste their resources.
Are you happy your private Endo knows what he/she is doing ? many don't so going private isn't always the best option, I've had personal experience of just that !
What I would do.....re-arrange the NHS appointment for a few months time and see how it goes with your private Endo.
If you are having successful treatment with Private Endo then cancel the appointment - with plenty of time so it can go to someone-else.
If I had private cover I would just stick to the private endo though!