I have just received the results of a blood test for iron from Medichecks and would appreciate comments and advice as to how to keep a good level of ferritin.
At the beginning of the year my ferritin was 33 though my GP assured me I was not anaemic and when I posted my results SeasideSusie agreed. However my ferritin was considered by the knowledgeable people on this site to be dire. In April this year, I asked my GP if I could take a supplement and she said it would be ok to take 210 mg ferrous fumarate once a day. She didn’t say for how long so I stopped after a month and included prune juice, molasses and dark chocolate in my diet to try and increase it naturally. I am a vegetarian so liver is out.
My results received today are as follows:
Iron Status
IRON 18.32 umol/L 5.80 - 34.50
T.I.B.C 56.32 umol/L 45.00 - 72.00
TRANSFERRIN SATURATION 32.53 % 20.00 - 50.00
FERRITIN 83.8 ug/L 13.00 - 150.00
Inflammation MarkerCRP - HIGH SENSITIVITY 1.84 mg/l 0.00 - 5.00
I can see that my ferritin has improved a lot. How do I maintain it? Will it be sufficient to carry on with the iron-rich foods I’ve been taking since April or do I need to supplement further so that the level doesn’t drop? I would be grateful for any advice. Sorry for the long post.
Best wishes to all