Good Morning Everyone,
Can I say a Big Thankyou before I start for all the help and advice received from the Forrum.
After 20 months on Nature Throid - and at the beginning I did feel a lot better so I cannot complain.. as my previous posts details but over the last 5/6 months the last batch I received from my chemist in London has certainly not given me the results I was receiving and the thyroid symptoms have returned. However BH results show that the figures don't look to bad however, the symptoms are what we go by, so I decided to go back to GP yesterday and request my old prescription of 150mgs of levo.
Could the forum help me with the make of levo and dose...
At the moment I am taking 3 1/2 grains of Nature throid, 2 in the morning and 1 1/2 in the evening. My vitamins are optimal. after talking to the doctor yesterday she told me my dose was 150 mcgs before I went onto NDT. So how much levo should I start with or maybe take half ndt and half levo until my supply of ndt is used up??? I don't know. my local pharmacy stocks NorthStar Levo ? how does that brand stand regarding Nausea symptoms as that is one of my main symptoms which is debilitating sometimes as well as the joint pain etc...
Thank you once again
Christina xx