I have hashimotos - tried Levo for first 8 months and was dreadful on it. Have been taking Nature Throid for 18 months 2.25 grains a day. It gets more difficult each time to order the NDT from online pharmacy and I managed to get to see an NHS endocrinologist this week. I asked if he knew anyone who had successfully managed to go from NDT to Levo thyroxine with T3. He said no that ndt patients don't come generally (I know why!) he said if I wanted to try myself on Levo/liothryoxine again he would give me a slightly higher dose of T3 than I tried.
Main reason for giving this a go again is that I still suffer from fatigue albeit not as bad as before but also because when I was first diagnosed and I saw a private specialist (Dr Toft) he seemed to think I also had chronic fatigue at the time.
I am gluten free for a year (massive difference to the fatigue) and I take all the supplements recommended for hashi's as well as good quality probiotics for my digestion which since I went GF has been the best it has ever been.
Just wondering if anyone has gone back the way successfully. I will be monitoring myself closely and have a supply of NDT ready just in case I fall flat on my face.
Thoughts from my nhs endo visit are that there is not much advancing science in this field and it is very disappointing how little the dr's seem to understand or indeed care about symptoms.
Thanks 😀